Wednesday 18th March, 2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I will continue to update you all with the information I have from the Ministry of Education (MOE), or the Wainui School Board of Trustees (BOT), or procedures we have as a school implemented as a result of COVIT-19. This will be as frequently as the need arises.

  1. Physical Distancing – Our school will, as advised decrease the size of assemblies. There will no longer be a full assembly, we will have team assemblies starting with Kiwi Team this Friday 20th March. We ask that only the primary caregivers attend.
  2. Junior & Middle School Swimming Sports – This has been cancelled, unfortunately, we cannot invite all family members to watch and the group would be too big for the size of the pool area.
  3. Weetbix Triathlon is cancelled – Your registration packs will be handed out this week. To win the medal you can time your own child completing the same equivalent course. Please provide proof with a signed letter, photo/ video would be great too.
  4. Visitors – Any visitor to the school will be asked to sign a Health Declaration form upon arrival or in advance if possible. All primary caregivers are exempt at this stage.
  5. Leadership Workshop – Unfortunately the workshop with Auckland Transport for the year 8 leaders scheduled for this Friday 20th March has also been cancelled.

Keep smiling!

Gillian Bray