Kia ora Koutou,

Wow what a storm we had to start the week!!  We all needed water, but maybe not quite as fiercely delivered.  However, how lucky are we all classrooms and grounds are all draining really well. We lost power in the afternoon, but were able to get through the rest of the day.

Today’s newsletter is all about

Everyone that reads this newsletter is part of our wonderful community!! Being a rural school, we love making time for the community to celebrate, to join together to participate in fun fundraisers, and for being our best supporters.  I have a wonderful positive supportive story to start this week’s news!!   Last week you will remember I wondered if anyone could sponsor or had a contact for a robot to clean the pool to save Mr. Bray hours of time!!! The next day I received a call from Karl Van Dam, owner of Deepend Pools and dad to Kassidy.  Their family business has donated a Zodiac Robot.  Mr. Bray has been smiling, it has been like Christmas.  A MASSIVE thank you Deepend Pools!

FOWS (Friends of Wainui School) similar to a PTA – Thank you to all the people who have put up their hand to help and be a part of this group led by Leslie Ann Linn. So far this year we have Annaliese Hewitt (Sponsorship), Nikki Mallon (Secretary), Tania Cummack-Ledger (New Members and heading the Bike-A-Thon), and Nikki Browne (Board Representative).

A note from Leslie Ann – Calling all fundraising extraordinaires.  We need you!!  You won’t get paid, you will have extra work to do, you will miss Netflix once a month and you will need to attend monthly meetings! However, you will get to drink hot tea/coffee uninterrupted and meet a group of passionate families supporting our school with fundraising!  If this sounds like you then please contact Leslie Ann at for more information.

Road Information – Another project of the FOWS led by Leslie Ann.

Dear Parents and caregivers
We are all aware of the roading situation at the school gate, particularly around 3pm.  It is important for us all to play our part in road safety.  This includes approaching and entering the driveway in a slow and safe manner.  Please do not overtake other vehicles in order to access the lower gravel carpark or cut in front of other vehicles whilst turning in from Waitoki Road.  Please help support the lowering of the speed limit outside of Wainui School by placing all road safety concerns to –


2022 Sponsorship – We do have a new sponsorship document put together by our FOWS.  In 2022  we already have these sponsors donating to our school so a huge thank you to all.
  1. Simone du Bernard- Harcourts Cooper & Co continues to sponsor us this year, 10 years + of support and sponsorship.  This year $5000 towards our events and making these happen to see the logo at the bottom of the newsletter
  2. Deepend Pools (Van Dam Family)
  3. SJA Honey (Honey, Marshall Family)
  4. ABC Signage (Sponsored all the new learning space signage, Reid Family)

Please let us know if you would like to become a sponsor or contribute to making our wishlist happen.  This year we have priorities around:

1. The Junior Playground, is in the planning stage from last year, but a second phase may be added if we can raise the funds.
2. Shade – creating more shade
3. Fixing up the bike track
4. Junior reading material – adding lots more
5. Creating an outdoor classroom in the Bush (a long time dream)
6. A Water Bottle filling station
7. Our own chipper to create mulch


Whole School Assembly via Zoom – Friday, 25th March @ 2 pm

This week we invite you to join us, celebrate the first Hellyer Cup recipients from Takahe and Tui Teams and with all the certificate winners from each classroom. The value we are celebrating for the certificates is Resilience.  The third and last full assembly for Term 1 will be on April 8th. At this assembly, we will present Hellyer Cups to Kiwi and Pukeko team children, there is one per class.

Join Zoom Meeting

Welcome back Mr. Ng – He returns to Kowhai class after being unable to return from Malaysia due to travel and quarantine restrictions. Thank you to Mr. Irvine and Ms. Jenkins for being wonderful teachers this term in Kowhai’s class.


If you had arrived early to pick up your children on Friday or heard some strange stories from your children that teachers were riding bikes dressed as unicorns, fairies, pumpkins, and superman they were not wrong!!  Much fun was had on Friday by us all launching Bike-A-Thon 2022!!

Bike-A-Thon – Woohoo! Our 2022 Bike-a-thon fundraiser has launched! Please see the letter we have sent home/emailed or just head to to sign up for a fundraising profile for your child(ren). We are raising funds to support our wonderful school. We have partnered with local company Raise It to run our fundraising platform and we have some great fundraising spot prizes up for grabs – details on the website. A very big thank you to Simone du Bernard at Harcourts Cooper & Co for her continued support and donation of our awesome prize baskets! Let’s get those wheels spinning and thanks for your support!

2022 Fundraiser letter


Document Designer / Formatter Wanted – a small job – Is there anyone out there that is able to offer a few hours and has the skills to “jazz up” our sponsorship document and make it look great.  If this is your thing and you have some spare time, please contact Mel at

Continue to keep well and safe, we thank you for keeping to the protocols in place for Red Level Phase 3. There will be new announcements this week that could change our protocols, I will keep you all informed.

A request from the wonderful office staff. If you don’t need to pick up children early, please try not to as it is very time-consuming for the office ladies as we need to collect children, then deliver them safely to you in these tricky times. Please wait until the end of the day for pick up.  Thank you from Mel, Barbara, and Kay.

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Friday 25th March – Whole School Assembly – 2.00pm – ZOOM
  • Monday 4th April – Dance Curriculum (whole school)
  • Tuesday 5th April – BOT Meeting – 6.30pm via ZOOM
  • Wednesday 6th April -Vision and Hearing Testing – 9.30am – New Entrants who have not had a B4 School Hearing and Vision test at Pre-school
    11.00am – All Year 7 students “Children do not need to be tested if they have completed the B4 School Check”
  • Friday 8th April – Whole School Assembly – 2.00pm – ZOOM
  • Tuesday 12th April – Bike-A-Thon – More information to follow
  • Thursday 14th April – End of Term 1
  • Friday 15th April – Good Friday – Public Holiday


Winter Sports – Winter Sports are around the corner and registrations are ready to be completed. Please click on the links below to register your child:  THE DEADLINE FOR NETBALL IS THIS FRIDAY 25TH MARCH

Netball Year 1-6 

Contact Halena Howard for any queries:


Hibiscus Coast AFC  – See attached flyers – Winter Registrations 2022

Conscious Kids School Enterprise – The best gift you can give to your child/children is to allow them to free play in natural settings these School Holidays with CK.  The Conscious Kids Social Enterprise invites your tamariki to a 100% play-in-nature school holiday programme this April. Autumn is such a great season! Nature gives us the most vibrant yellows and reds colors, inviting us all to go outside, explore, play, and have heaps of fun!
Nature free play has proven physical, emotional and social health benefits. Our supervised programme allows kids to lead their own activities – mudslides, tree climbing, puddle splashing, hammock and hut building etc. Apart from the obvious safety restrictions and respect framework, there are few instructions for kids.  Our number 1 ‘rule’ is to HAVE FUN! Staff are present for supervision and support, but children follow their innate ‘readiness meter’ to make their own decisions before getting involved in any new situation.  Such child-led play enhances creativity, problem-solving, communication (including listening!), collaboration and many other 21st century skills.  Our Holiday Programmes will run in April (Tuesdays to Fridays from the 19th to the 29th), at a cost of $70/child per day.

Daily programmes run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are designed for children aged 5 – 12 yrs old. For booking and more information, please visit

Liss Osorio