Kia ora to you all

Dare I say it but it is almost hard to believe we have completed life in lockdown for 4 weeks.  Tremendous changes have been seen everywhere, I hope for you and your family it has been a time to enjoy family life and try some new things. I know I have learned to use so many new technology tools, I have baked, cooked new recipes, walked and gardened, even raised seeds, but this week it has been very much about preparing to open the school.

I would like to state clearly Wainui School is opening on Wednesday 29th April for all children who need to be with us as the country moves into COVID 19 – Level 3. There is no negativity by myself or the teachers who are returning for the first group of children as has been reported in the media. We move as a country, as a staff and as a BOT to meet the requirements of the Level 3 move. We are well informed by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and guided with health and safety plans.

There are health and safety checks that we have already carried out and we will do another one today, which I will go in and complete. You can be very reassured the school is safe, clean and has tight processes for all who return.  The school has been “deep” cleaned this week with a sanitizing fogging spray by our cleaning company Clean as a Whistle. Thank you to them for this as they have done this free of charge!! We have ordered extra hand sanitizer and will also be provided more by the Ministry of Education.

If you are still to make the decision of how, or when you return there is still time – I do understand many workplaces are assessing how this will be for them and who needs to be onsite and who doesn’t. The most important element is we must know who is coming, communication every day will need to be very strong. We also have to send in our numbers to the Ministry of Education.

Organisation for Level 3

  • Staff returning are –  myself, Jason Irvine, Wendy Taylor, Alice Hill, Marinda Van Dyk and caretaker Richard Lee. 
  • Bubbles of 10 children and 2 staff members will be created, currently we will have two. 
  • Teaching staff will rotate according to need.
  • Children are in family/ groups as close to year levels as we can with Mrs Hill and Mrs Van Dyk with the younger group and Mr Irvine and Mrs Taylor with the older ones. 
  • All children will be participating in their classes online learning.  The teachers at school will not be planning double programmes. 
  • Staff coming to school will be between the hours of 8.15am until 3.15pm. 
  • Cleaners will come at 3.30pm to ensure bubbles do not get broken or confused.
  • Specific toilets are allocated to the different bubbles and play times will be staggered for the different groups.
  • Hygiene will be LOTS, lots of hand sanitising and washing of hands, no sharing of food or drinks. 
  • The playgrounds with equipment are out of bounds.
  • Children can bring their own toys (not many) but must keep these to play with by themselves.
  • Shared equipment such as a ball can be used and we will regularly clean and sanitise this.
  • Social distancing of all people on site will adhere to the recommended advice.
  • Drop off must be on the roundabout, no parent to enter the school unless there is an emergency.
  • Times of school being open are 8.15am until 3.15pm. We need to strictly adhere to this time frame as all staff and children will leave to enable the cleaners to return each day. We do not want to cross or break bubbles. A teacher will be at the drop off in the morning and in the afternoon to welcome and farewell each student safely. 
  • All other questions will be either answered with a post on the website which I will complete by tomorrow, or you are most welcome to contact me further.

To the children returning we welcome you, and above all are here to care for you and keep you safe and happy.

All other teachers and support staff will continue to work at home with the online learning for many and distance support for some. We are thrilled with how this is going. If your child is not connected online daily, please let us know how we can help.  You will see an increase in time and the programmes developing next week as teachers are going to be available all day from 9.00am – 3.00pm.

This may not mean online, but can help, and will provide more focused activities if needed. However, if it gets too much sometimes – take a break, relax, and remember these are extraordinary times!!

Thank you to those I have heard from, had pictures from and connected with, it is great!!

Other Information and Dates:

Board Of Trustees News – Last night we met as we all have been using ZOOM. The Board want to pass on to everyone their commitment to the community’s health and welfare, and are mindful of the pressure on families, but also the need for learning to continue. The board passed over their thanks to the teachers for getting the online programmes going. 

Monday 27th April – ANZAC Day Observed – This is a Public Holiday so NO school.

Tuesday, 28th April –  Teacher Only Day – No online classes – Relax and enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, 29th April – Wainui School is open for students that need to come into school as families return to work situations or are essential workers etc.

Wednesday 29th April – FOWS Meeting – 7.00pm – join the ZOOM link. BYO wine and cheese this month!!

Please send your photos of those of you who are celebrating ANZAC in any way from standing at the gate at dawn to making biscuits. I am starting to post a lot more on our website – have a look over the next week.  I am hoping to attach the Garden to Table recipes and wonderful videos Sandy Tucker has created!!  

I have included a photo of James Gray here with his spider creations from his home learning challenge, isn’t that smile wonderful!!

Nga mihi nui this weekend and we can all reflect on the ANZACs at this time to “not forget”.
