Kia ora Koutou,

I hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend celebrating the first official days of winter!! This weekend I visited MOTAT with our grandchild and yes had to visit the original Wainui School!! It was the first time for me, it’s a beautiful little building (maybe we could ask for it to be returned!!!). I couldn’t resist sharing with you all some photos of the expectations of the past!!!

  • Chocolate Sales
  • Teacher Only Day – Thank you and feedback
  • Attendance
  • Winter Sports Teams and Practice
  • Matariki Celebrations
  • International Students from China


Chocolate sales – Wow the chocolates sales are amazing, we can’t thank you enough, they have been flying out the door. Huge thank you to Megan Evans for all your hard work getting this organised and ensuring we have some amazing incentive prizes and goody bags of donated vouchers to be won. There will be prizes for the most sold and those who have sold more than one box will go into a draw for spot prizes. We will spin the wheel at Assembly.

Teacher Only Day – Thank you and feedback – This Teacher Only Day was one of the two days the Ministry of Education designated to schools. All the schools in our Kahui Ako ki Orewa chose to join firstly for a maths professional development morning with expert mathematician Jo Knox. This enabled teachers to have time to reflect on their practice, build even better practice, it was super useful.

We then moved to Orewa College where by all the primary school teachers of the cluster; Wainui School. Silverdale School, Dairy Flat School, Orewa Primary School, Orewa Beach School, Ahutoetoe School and Nukumea School joined the Orewa College teachers to hear a presentation by keynote speaker Jay Geldard, co-founder of the programme E Tū Tāngata. Inspiring and authentic, he resonated with everyone in the hall with his clear messages over how we need to treat each other, the problems caused by “the tall poppy syndrome” and what we can do about this. You will I hope have heard your children start to talk about ” E Tū Tāngata, you are valuable, stand together”, this is the culture we are striving at Wainui to build and live by!!

I have attached the website of E Tū Tāngata, feel free to come and chat about this, you may see us wearing our T shirts, hear us at Assemblys, in the classroom and outside using this language!!

Thank you for your support with Teacher Only Days, we know it isn’t easy but we do use this time productively to make our place even better!!


Attendance – Thank you everyone for your continued improved communication around attendance. It is a real focus by the Government to improve the attendance of all students across New Zealand. The attendance figures to be in the acceptable range however are tight, you will receive a mid-year report with this clearly explained and it could be confronting as there is little room for days of absence.

These are the codes that will be used for reporting school attendance. The Ministry of Education defines regular attendance as attending school at least 90% of the available days. Attending school consistently builds knowledge, strengthens social connections, and fosters essential life skills, setting students up for academic and personal success.

Attendance using Ministry of Education Codes;
1. Regular attendance more than 90% (5 days or less a term)
2. Moderate absence more than 70% and up to 80%
3. Irregular absence more than 80% and up to 90%
4. Chronic absence 70% or less

You will see it is tricky to have great attendance if you are unwell for a few days. There is a fine balancing act of attending school and staying off if you are sick. Please do stay away if you are sick and please do inform us as to what the absence is.

Winter Sports Teams and Practice – Just incredible the amount of sport our children are able to participate in, huge thank you to all the coaches, managers, support drivers for getting your children involved – outstanding!! Please remember to be a great sideline supporter for the children!! Be a supporter, encourage the students, they are learning, they just want to learn, but most of all have fun with their friends!!!

The hall can be booked if it is raining but we have new lights so balls cannot be kicked or hockey sticks and balls used, it just isn’t a gym I am sad to say!!!


Matariki Celebrations – At Wainui School will be in Week 9 (24th-28th June) Matariki holiday is Friday 28th June.

This week we will focus our core subjects and our Inquiry programme around celebrating Matariki. We will be holding a special celebration assembly on Tuesday 25th June. Teams will perform waiata, the school kapa haka and Mau rākau group will perform. We will follow this with a special morning kai and a chat with all our whānau parents re the school’s strategy and what is happening in our school around Te ao Māori. Please do join us.

International Students from China – International students are back and wanting to visit our country, especially from China. We have not had a group since prior to COVID but before COVID we had both Chinese and Japanese groups. This is not only a wonderful opportunity for our students to share our culture with the new students and learning from each other, but it is also profitable. We will ensure all are supported. Thank you to those that have offered to host a student, so far we don’t need many hosts as they have their own accommodation but if we do we will let you know.

Our group will be here in term three from 5th – 16th August. Huge thank you to Miss Ludwig for organising this.


A short week looms, our lost property box is already brimming and we are only just approaching half way through the term. Please name your clothes and shoes, please come and rescue the huge number of sweaters, jackets etc. Thank you.

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Tuesday 4th June – Board Meeting – 6:30pm.
  • Tuesday 4th June – Last day to order House T-Shirts.
  • Thursday 6th June – The Musical Instrument Making Show.
  • Friday 7th June – Tui Assembly – 2pm.
  • Friday 14th June – Chocolate Fundraiser End Date.
  • Monday 24th – Friday 28th June – Matariki Week.
  • Tuesday 25th June – Matariki Assembly.
  • Friday 28th June – Matariki Holiday – School is Closed.


Whittaker’s Chocolate Fundraiser – A reminder that the money for the chocolates or any unsold chocolates are due back on Friday 14th June. A big thank you to all our generous sponsors for this fundraiser.

House T-Shirts – Last day to order the new House T-Shirts is today 4th June via Kindo for $10.00.

The Musical Instrument Making Show – A reminder that this Thursday 6th June is The Musical Instrument Making Show. Some of the instruments featured in this show include: Guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, mandolin, violin, recorder, flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, flugelhorn and a large range of percussion instruments.

MusicAl will bring lots of homemade instruments to the show and play too. He will explain how they are made and leave students and staff with an Instrument making book to get lots of ideas to make their own instruments. This show will provide fantastic ideas that fit with the music, science and technology curriculums. By the end of the show students will want to start gathering lots of household items to start their own musical instrument projects. There will be 3 shows over the day to ensure all students get a chance to participate.

The show costs $3 per student, and it would be fabulous if you were able to contribute towards the cost by way of this donation. The $3 can be given to class teachers on the day of the show.

School Counsellor – Hannah our new School Counsellor and Leo her gorgeous care dog– are here on Thursdays to meet up with any student who would like to access support. Please let Leanne Stevenson (SENCO) Special Education Needs Coordinator know if you would like to make a special request for your child to visit Hannah on a Thursday. Everything is very confidential.

If you would like to have your child seen by Hannah reasonably quickly without being on the Thursday waiting list, Hannah will also be working on Tuesdays, and will be seeing students on a private basis at the request of parents. Parents are able to contact her to book their child in for an appointment, at a discussed rate. She will also be available for parent support sessions for children who are engaging in therapy.


email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, 


25/5/2024: Wainui Asteroids vs Torbay Storm.  Lost: 6 – 13.  POD: Kara Pretorius.


Wainui Warriors Yr 5/6 vs OPS Kiwi Sticks.  Win: 13 – 1.

21/5/2024: Wainui Tomahawks Yr 7/8 vs Birkdale Bullets.  Won 5-0.  PODs: Arielle Oswald and Eden Sweetman (Waitoki).

28/5/2024: Wainui Tomahawks Yr 7/8 vs Whangaparoa.  Won: 9 – 1.  PODs: Kaylee Vitali (Waitoki) and Delphi Smith (Waitoki).