Wednesday 18th March, 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I will continue to update you all with the information I have from the Ministry of Education (MOE), or the Wainui School Board of Trustees (BOT), or procedures we have as a school implemented as a result of COVIT-19. This will be as frequently as the need arises.
- Physical Distancing – Our school will, as advised decrease the size of assemblies. There will no longer be a full assembly, we will have team assemblies starting with Kiwi Team this Friday 20th March. We ask that only the primary caregivers attend.
- Junior & Middle School Swimming Sports – This has been cancelled, unfortunately, we cannot invite all family members to watch and the group would be too big for the size of the pool area.
- Weetbix Triathlon is cancelled – Your registration packs will be handed out this week. To win the medal you can time your own child completing the same equivalent course. Please provide proof with a signed letter, photo/ video would be great too.
- Visitors – Any visitor to the school will be asked to sign a Health Declaration form upon arrival or in advance if possible. All primary caregivers are exempt at this stage.
- Leadership Workshop – Unfortunately the workshop with Auckland Transport for the year 8 leaders scheduled for this Friday 20th March has also been cancelled.
Keep smiling!
Gillian Bray