Currently, Wainui School has two itinerant music teachers. Each music teacher has their own charge rate and they teach either groups of children or take individual lessons.  These lessons are within school hours. The timing of the lessons is negotiated between the classroom teacher and the music teacher as to the best timing.  Please keep your own payments up to date with your music teacher and ensure that you have informed the music teacher if your child is going to be absent on their day for a lesson.

Maria O Flaherty – Teaches Guitar and Singing lessons, Individual and Group lessons on Wednesdays.

Ross Hutchison – Teaches Guitar, Keyboard and Drums on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

 Name Email Phone Instrument Day of Lesson
Maria  O’Flaherty   [email protected] 021 032 5287 Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard Wednesday
Ross Hutchinson [email protected] 027 350 7544 Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums Monday