Current Newsletter

Wai Factor Finalists

2018-08-31T20:30:53+12:00August 31st, 2018|Current Newsletter, General|

  Friday 31st August 2018 CONGRATULATIONS to these students who have all made the finals for Wai Factor!! Please be ready for next Wednesday 5th September. We look forward to seeing your performance. Order of Acts Act Name Year Group Dance Dude 5\6 Unexpected Magic 5\6 Dab TDM 5\6 Ollie 5\6 Pearl 3\4 Jackson 3\4 Locky [...]

Notification re Strike Day

2018-08-10T10:56:00+12:00August 10th, 2018|Current Newsletter, General|

  Friday 10th August, 2018   Dear Parents and Caregivers Please click on the link: Notification re Strike Day to view the letter from Drew Gilpin, Board of Trustees Chair in regards to the Strike Day next Wednesday 15th August. Regards Mel Ludwig Wainui School

Strike Day Wednesday 15th August

2018-08-06T11:01:48+12:00August 6th, 2018|Current Newsletter, General|

Monday 6th August 2018 Dear Parents/ Caregivers Please see attached letter from Drew Gilpin, Board Chair, Board of Trustees, about the strike on Wednesday 15th August. Strike on Wed 15 Aug 18 Please note there is a tear-off section at the bottom of the letter which needs to be returned to the office by this Wednesday [...]

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