Current Newsletter

Cafe at Wainui School – Friday 22nd June

2018-06-21T12:33:54+12:00June 21st, 2018|Current Newsletter, General|

  Thursday 21st June 2018 Dear Parents/ Caregivers Cafe at Wainui There will be a cafe every second Friday, on the same day as the School Assembly. The first one is tomorrow, Friday 22nd June from 8am - 11am. Coffee and baked goods for sale in the staffroom. Muffins, slices and biscuits. Cash or online payments, no [...]

Wainui School – Hosting Japanese Students

2018-05-25T16:30:21+12:00May 25th, 2018|Current Newsletter, General|

Friday 25th May, 2018 Dear Parents/ Caregivers This year we have 24 students coming from Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan Junior High School in Japan for 10 days from 30th July to 9th August. Today we sent home the information sheet and forms for hosting a Japanese student/s. Please think about hosting a student/s this year, it is a [...]

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