Kia ora and welcome to the official page of the Friends of Wainui School (FOWS).
Next Meeting Date:
Friday 16th August at 8.00 am in the Staffroom
All welcome!
Next Fundraising Event:
Ag Day and Coun try Fair Friday 25th October
Wainui School has always had a high degree of parental and community involvement. We welcome and encourage all parents to become involved in the school and their child’s/children’s education. There are many ways parents can help out, whether it is on our PTA, our Board, with our sports programs, within the academic programs, with extra curricular activities or just down at the school assisting teachers in the classroom. We involve ourselves in many school events and value parental support greatly.
The PTA is one of the cornerstones of our school community. The group meets regulary at he new time of , Friday Morning, in the school staffroom. It is made up of parents who volunteer their time and expertise, an executive committee, a teacher representative, and the school principal. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
The objectives of the PTA are to:
- Run social events for parents and children, providing an opportunity for people to get to know each other and have fun.
- Encourage parents to become more involved with their children’s school and to develop strong links between home and school.
- Provide support for school events and other special occasions.
- Raise funds to supplement the teaching and learning programs for the children of Wainui School.
The Wainui School PTA is perhaps most well known for its outstanding fundraising ability. The PTA runs a variety of agreed, calendared events throughout the year. These events have raised a lot of money in the past few years, and have contributed greatly to the teaching and learning programs at Wainui School. The FOWS aim is to have a few very good fundraisers, which also involve people outside the school community, make an important financial impact, and therefore make a real difference to our wonderful school.
If you would like to become involved, or want to find out more about it, either contact us at or use the form at the bottom of the page.
WISHLIST 2024 for our School wasapproved at the Board meeting in March
Term 1: Bike-a-Thon – Friday 5th April.
Term 2: Chocolate Sales Launch – Monday 27th May.
Term 3: Quiz Night – Saturday 10th August.
Term 4: Ag Day and Country Fair – Friday 25th October.
Term 4: Christmas in the Country – Thursday 12th December.
If you would be interested in sponsoring our school, please contact to request a copy of our Sponsorship Document.
FOWS Group for 2024:
- Chairperson: Leslie Ann Linn
- Secretary: Lisa Vermeer
- Grants/ Board Rep: Annaliese Hewitt
- New Members Co-ordinator: Lisa Vermeer
- Treasurer: TBC
- Megan Evans
- Monique Ritchie
- Milly Mexted
- Sam Watt
- Principal: Gillian Bray
- Deputy Principal: Leanne Stevenson
- Deputy Principal: Sandy Blackburn
Community Help
There are many organisations that are either based either locally, regionally or nationally that are available to assist you with you and your child’s various needs. Please click on the links below for more information:
Kidslink – KidsLink provides information, connections and solutions for parents/whanau and schools when kids are experiencing challenges with their learning.
Ministry of Education– The MOE has links to many organisations and groups around the country that you can get in touch with for practical support, advice, resources and contact details of specialists.
Citizens Advice Bureau – The CAB is a free and independent service which is available to help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes.
Linku2HibiscusCoast – Linku2HibiscusCoast has a community database of clubs and non-profit organisations that are available on the Hibiscus Coast.
Teacher Representatives:
- Leanne Stevenson
- Sandy Blackburn

FOWS Meeting Dates 2024
Please find below the proposed FOWS Meeting dates for 2024. These meetings are usually held in the staffroom. These dates may change, so please check back each month:
- Wednesday 1st May
- Wednesday 29th May
- Wednesday 26th June
- Wednesday 31st July
- Wednesday 4th September
- Wednesday 16th October
- Wednesday 13th November
- Wednesday 4th December End of Year FOWS dinner