Monday 28th August, 2023

Dear Wainui School Community,

It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of one of our dear, long-serving staff members, Wendy Taylor. Wendy’s contributions to Wainui School were immeasurable, having served as Deputy Principal, Acting Principal, Board member, SENCo, classroom teacher, and a cherished colleague and friend to many. After a dedicated career, she had only recently retired at the end of 2021.

Wendy’s presence will be greatly missed. To honour her memory, the Wainui School staff kindly requests that the school close early on Wednesday, the 30th of August at 1 pm. This will allow us to come together and celebrate her life at an event in Red Beach. The Wainui School Board fully supports this decision. While the school will close early, a few staff members will remain available to supervise students who require this service. Please inform the office or your child’s classroom teacher if you plan to utilise this option.

Please note that the school buses and sKIDS program will run as scheduled.

We appreciate the support and understanding of our school community during this difficult time.

Nāku noa, nā

Gillian Bray
Wainui School