Kia ora Koutou,
This week in the last week of term we have our first major fundraiser the Bike-a-Thon!!
By the time you read the newsletter, it will have been completed and hopefully, everyone will have not only challenged themselves to ride further but also can then raise some much-needed funds to improve and contribute to our school. All funds raised go towards the grounds and a new projector and screen for the hall. We know the weather is going to be good, we know many children have been practicing hard on their bikes and we know the FOWS group have been busy getting all the food, drinks and most importantly the prizes organised for the competition. Thank you everyone for your support and help. Special thank you to Denise Ditchburn chairperson of the FOWS and Jason Irvine Deputy Principal for your organisation.
Tui Team went to Carey Park Camp and had a wonderful time!! The stories that have come home are full of laughter and highlight how important these traditions of camp are. A huge thank you to Team Leader Andrea Goodyer, and teachers Maddy Taylor and Sandy Blackburn for your enthusiasm, your professionalism, and care of all who attended camp. Thank you to the large group of wonderful parents who attended camp, you all helped make this a memorable experience and so much more. I had the pleasure of visiting the camp and stayed for dinner and could see and feel how much everyone was enjoying these special few days and nights!! On Friday at Assembly, we look forward to hearing a few of the stories. Next term I am sure we can see some of the photos on the new screen and projector.
So huge thank you to parents; Pete Adlam, Grant Allen, John Bayer, Vivien Bayer, Sarah Becker, Nikki Browne, Matt Burgess, Jody Cooke, Vanessa de Leeuw, Michelle Flinn, Drew Gilpin, Pare Hape, Desma Houghton, Rebecca Izzard, Sonya Joubert, Logan Latham, Colin Matthews, Dion Mayes, Jesse McGregor, Andre Potgieter, Staton Ranby, Brent Robinson, Jake Russell, Elise Schweitzer, Sandy Tucker, Tracey Woodcock for giving up your time to go to camp. You were the lucky ones to experience such fun!!
Year 7&8’s Takehe team have had two great days of activity –
- Summer Sports Day with all the Kaipara schools in Helensville at the wonderful new sportsground.
- SUP and Surfing EOTC day, activities designed to challenge and provide for many new experiences. Both days were challenging, fun and not only teach new skills but enable friendships and positive relationships to grow.
Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae – Last week I was fortunate to be invited on to this Marae in Silverdale for the first time with local principals and members of the Kahui Ako. This was a wonderful experience, a first-time for me to visit this Marae that is for the children and families of the area. This begins the link for Wainui School with Te Herenga Waka. Kereama Nathan and his team were very keen to establish and grow with us an understanding of a collective commitment towards achieving improved outcomes for our tamariki in the area of te reo Māori. We broke into three groups and brainstormed the four areas of our strategic plan regarding te reo Māori; Acquisition, Domains, Normalisation and Sustainability.
Bike-a-Thon – Looking forward to the teacher’s race as well!!
Easter House Day – The year 8 House Captains have a fun filled day planned for the end of term around the theme of Easter. This has become a bit of an end of term one tradition over the last few years enabling the “house” groups to form, the leadership of the senior students to develop and everyone to have some fun!!
Holidays – Enjoy a break over the next few weeks, the annual ANZAC celebration at Upper Waiwera Centotaph has been cancelled due to events in Christchurch. For further information on ANZAC Day services please see local media.
Wai Factor – Student Councillors Celeste Hamilton-Dowling and DJ Harris Hatley are, together with the help of all the leaders, hosting the annual Wai Factor in term 2. The holidays are a great time to practice that talent ready for the auditions in week 3 and 4 of term 2. See the details of the competition below.
Can we ask everyone to pay any outstanding costs not already paid for Camp, Garden to Table and trip costs. It is also a good time to contribute your school donation if you haven’t done so already. We really do appreciate this and can achieve great things if these matters are all addressed.
The Wainui School website is updated and full of more information, photos and news. I am endeavoring to ensure the website is updated and has information you need on it. Please remember to use it you need any information. If there is something missing please do let me know.
Nga mihi nui
Gillian Bray
Wai Factor Term 2 – Wai factor starts week 3 of term 2 so start practicing!
Auditions will be held at lunchtimes and so will the semifinals and finals. You can do anything from a gymnastics routine to magic tricks. Two of your Arts Team members will come round all the classes with sign up sheets on the first week of term 2. There will be auditions (week 3,) semifinals (week 5,) and finals (week 8). So if you have a talent you want to share to the school you should sign up! (NOT compulsory).
By Celeste Hamilton Dowling, Student Councillor and Arts Team member.
Help Needed After School – A school family needs help to transport their two girls from Wainui School to their home in Totara Views on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. They will help towards petrol and someone will be on site to look after the girls. This is to start in Term 2. If you can help please contact Elise on mob: 022 012 9526.
Kindo Online School Shopping – coming soon!
We are excited to let you know about our Kindo online school shop, which will be opening soon!
You will be able to pay for all your school needs -like trips and donation and support fundraisers, make full and part payments, and it will be open 24/7!
More information coming shortly – so watch this space.
- Thursday 11th April – Easter House Day.
- Friday 12th April – Tui Assembly – 9.15am.
- Friday 12th April – Last Day of Term One.
- Monday 29th April – First Day of Term Two.
- Wednesday 1st May – William Pike Challenge Award Launch – 6.30pm – Please note the change of date.
- Friday 3rd May – Bike-a-thon sponsorship money and forms due in.
- Friday 10th May – School Photo Day.
- Friday 17th May – Bike-a-thon Prizegiving.
- Friday 17th May – Pink Shirt Day.

Bearcats Basketball Academy kicks off again on Sunday 5th May, coaching FUN-damental core basketball skills. Led by premier (ex NBL) coach, Shayne McCauley, training sessions are “All Schools, All Abilities, All Welcome” and offer a supportive environment in which both boys and girls can improve their skills and confidence in New Zealand’s fastest growing sport.
Where: Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre
When: 5 May – 30 June (excl. 2 June, Queens Birthday)
Reminder – Royal Easter Show Pet Lamb & Goat Saturday 20 April 10.00am
We are looking forward to holding the Royal Easter Show Agricultural Pet Competition on Saturday 20 April 2019 and would be pleased if children from your school attend with their pet lambs and pet goats. Please note we will be starting a little earlier at 10.00am (not 11.00am as first advertised).
A chrome reader or product/voucher to the same value will be awarded for the most points for the school and the most entries from a school.
The event will take place at the Royal Easter Show, ASB Showgrounds, 217 Greenlane West, Epsom, Auckland.