Kia ora Koutou,

As we approach the end of Term two – (hard to believe we are halfway through the year).  It is a great time to reflect on a term that has ended with a successful fundraiser, an amazing trip to Flat Top Quarry (beginning a great partnership for our school) and a new mid-year reporting system about to come home to your family on Friday.


Quiz Night – Last Saturday was a great success!! Thank you, Annaliese Hewitt and Nikki Ellis for driving this organisation, to Emma Coupe for all the auction items gathered, and all the FOWS team who helped put this fun night together. Special mention to JR and his team for the sounds system, DJ, and quiz master it was fabulous to have so much enthusiasm and generosity.  To the community, thank you for bringing your friends and for your wonderful costumes, the fun and generosity you all showed on the night.

Flat Top Quarry visit and planting trip – 8 Year 8 leaders, 24 Year 4 students, myself, Mrs Richards and four parents had the privilege of visiting Flat Top Quarry in Haruru Road last week. We were welcomed to the Quarry by the staff, given a brief account of the history and the workings of the quarry by the Quarry Manager, Chris Trainer. The views and the workings are spectacular, especially as the weather was once again a beautiful, sunny winter’s day. It gave us all an understanding of the volume of work that is happening, the measures that are taken to control noise, dust, safety, and then the environmental impacts of a Quarry and how measures are taken to rectify this. Our group then planted 400 trees in an area that was being restored. We then were treated to a BBQ back at their lunchroom. Each child returned with a tree to plant at school. A positive partnership established, Our students were all exemplary in their attitude and behaviour, the staff were all amazed and complimentary of our students and we certainly felt very proud of our students!!


Wai Factor Finals Congratulations to Charlotte, Bella and Talia for all your organisation. We are all looking forward to the afternoon of entertainment. We are thrilled to welcome back past pupil Geena Hutton, one of the early founders of Waifactor as a Judge. Geena is currently in the show Madagascar, has just finished a season performing in Jersey Boys and we are proud to say is a Wainui girl!!. By the time you read this, it will be all over. I will send a special post out after the show with some photos and the winners in. Well done to all the participants, we love watching your confidence and enthusiasm to perform.

Assembly – Friday 9th July – 2.00pm start – Matariki and Kiwi team focus.

Lost Property – Please collect anything you have mislaid.  If the large box is not claimed we will send it to a charity.

Mid Year reports – The format has changed – A few weeks ago we began to share the reports that were changing in format.  To help you understand more about what you will be receiving please read on.

New Entrants – Will receive a 4-6 week assessment report.

Year 1’s – Will receive a two-page report that contains a page grading the 5R’s (values), comment and a short general comment  Then more detail on the next page in the three core areas of reading, writing, maths and play-based learning.

Years 2 – 8 – Will receive a two-page report that contains a page grading the 5R’s (values) comment, and a short general comment.

Reporting to parents – Our report forms are undergoing a change this year, using the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) that reports to parents on progress and achievement. Our PaCT report will be informing parents of the Teacher Judgements for Reading, Writing and Maths. These are in graph form, reporting on progress over time, and they have several key elements:  PaCT has been developed by the Ministry of Education, to ensure schools are able to give accurate Overall Teacher Judgements ( OTJ’s), about where your child is at according to our expectations for New Zealand.

  1. Progress chart: (A little like a Plunket growth chart) The student’s progress in relation to both curriculum expectations and typical student progress and a projection of the student’s likely progress over the next year. 
  2. Describing progress: A short description which gives an overview of what students can typically do at the part of the scale that the student is achieving at. Next steps to move to the next curriculum level are also described. 
  3. Current achievement: The student’s most recent achievement profile across the aspects of the PaCT reading, writing, or mathematics framework.
  4. Here is a more detailed look at the information that it provides.:
    1. This range shows your child’s current achievement in relation to the PaCT scale and a curriculum level. Each part of the PaCT scale is associated with a curriculum level (1a). In this example, the student is considered to be working within curriculum level 3 (1b). This means that their score indicates that they can be considered to have achieved at level 2 and are now working within curriculum level 3. Looking at the range in relation to the curriculum level you can get a sense of whether your child has just started working within the curriculum level or if they are close to moving to the next level.
    1. The black line indicates the expected curriculum progress. This is based on the assumption that each curriculum level takes two years of schooling. In this example, the report indicates the curriculum level that a year 3 student is expected to be working within (2a).
    1. This green line shows your child’s current progress and the dotted line predicts where they will be in a year if their progress stays the same. As this is the first report using this tool in reading and maths there are no prior entries displayed. In writing you will see we have entered assessment for the last 2 years as teachers developed their understanding of this tool.  What do you notice about it? 
    1. This grey band shows how the middle 50% of students in New Zealand are achieving. All students progress at different rates but of the most important is the progress that each student makes as shown on their personal graph.In week 4 of Term 3 you will have a chance to talk about your child’s levels and how they are going at a Learning Conversation. We will set up a booking timetable for these very soon.


Planning ahead for Term 3 – Choices are being made already for 2022!!  This week we have had a visit from the new Principal of Orewa College, Mr Greg Piece with the head boy and head girl. On Thursday we have a visit from Long Bay College Deputy Principal, Sarah Bicknell and Prefects to talk to our Year 8’s. There is a choice to be made and other colleges will have open days to attend to help with the choice.

Wainui Intermediate Information Evening – The first week back in term 3, on Wednesday 28th July, Miss Stevenson and Mr Irvine will be holding our Wainui Intermediate Information Evening. The purpose of this evening is to share with the parents of our prospective year 7’s, the opportunities and programmes we provide for our intermediate-aged children, and to answer any questions you may have.  The meeting will be held in the staffroom, beginning at 5.30 pm, and will run for approximately 45 minutes. We would love to see you there.

Ka kite ano,

Have a very safe and happy holiday.

Gillian Bray


  • Friday 9th July – Matariki Assembly – 2.00pm
  • Friday 9th July – End of Term 2
  • Monday 26th July – First Day of Term 3
  • Wednesday 28th July – Wainui Intermediate Information Evening – 5,30pm – Staffroom
  • Friday 6th August – Assembly – Kiwi Team – 2.00pm
  • Friday 6th August – School Disco (further information to follow)
  • Monday 9th – Friday 13th August – Maths Week
  • Monday 9th August – Takahe Team – Trip top Motat
  • Tuesday 10th August – Schoolwide Maths Competition – 9.10am – 10.10am
  • Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th August – Learning Conversations – 3.00 – 6.00pm
  • Tuesday 17th August – School Cross Country
  • Thursday 19th August – Tech Challenge – Orewa College
  • Friday 20th August – Pukeko Team Assembly – 2.00pm
  • Wednesday 25th August – Takahe Team – Interschool Cross Country – Muriwai
  • Thursday 26th August – Otago Problem Solving Challenge
  • Friday 27th August – Daffodil Day and Sausage Sizzle
  • Tuesday 31st August – Asia Experience Day – Takahe Team
  • Thursday 9th September – Immunisation – Years 7 & 8
  • Friday 17th September – Tui Team Assembly
  • Monday 20th September – Science in a Van
  • Wednesday 29th September – Year 3 & 4 Production (times tbc)
  • Thursday 30th September – Young Farmer
  • Friday 1st October – Masterchef Final


Wainui School Disco – Save the Date – Next term, on Friday, the 6th of August, the annual Wainui School Disco will be back! With the Olympic Games finishing on Sunday, the 8th of August, what better way to celebrate the values of the Olympics – Excellence, Respect, Friendship – and the meeting of athletes from around the world than with our own excellent meeting of friends dressed as their favourite athletes. Just like the Olympics have their five rings, we have our 5R’s, which will be on full display. Tickets will be on sale from the start of next term, so keep an eye out!

Garden to Table – This term has been an action-packed learning adventure in Garden to Table. It has been fantastic to watch the children learning, experiencing new things, and growing their confidence and abilities in the kitchen and garden. We have had many successful crops and many successful recipes using our garden produce. Please remember the students have access to the Garden to Table google classroom and therefore access to the recipes from the kitchen. Ask them to show you the slideshows with these recipes. A big thanks to all of the volunteers who help out with this programme. If you would like to be a volunteer next term, please remember no experience is necessary!!! email  Here are some photos of the Year 7 and 8’s as they share their kai for Matariki week.


email your sports results to Mrs Elliott in the office, 


Wainui Yr 1 Sapphires.  Won: 6-1.  POD: Lily Fincham

Wainui Yr 4 Galaxy vs Marina View Lightning.  Lost.  POD: Summer Starr

Wainui Yr 5 Stars vs Mini Mystics. Won: 12-4. POD: Amy Lowe

Wainui Yr 6 Jets vs Dairy Flat Stingers.  Won: 11-10.

Wainui Yr 8 vs Whangaparaoa.  Won: 33-12.


Wainui Yr 3/4 Wildcats vs Waitoki Sweepers – Drew: 0-0. POD: Gabby Long

Wainui Yr 3/4 Wizards vs Red Beach.  Won: 8-0.  POD: Georgina Coupe.

Wainui  Yr 3/4 Warriors vs White Sticks. Drew: 0-0  P.O.D: Millen Hamblyn.

Wainui Yr 5/6 Blue Sticks vs Browns Bay Raiders.  Tied 1-1. POD: Nikolai Pelsier



Hibiscus Coast AFC – Please see attached holiday programme

Some interesting events happening around Auckland

Aotea Square Ice Rink | 17 June – 1 August

Lace up, Auckland! The Aotea Square Ice Rink is back. Grab your warm winter clothes and glide into the cosy season with the iconic ice rink and 35-metre, multi-level slide.

Whether you’ve never stepped skate on ice before, or you’re a seasoned pro perfecting your axel jump: icy adventures, themed parties, and many more wintry delights await you in Aotea Square.

All ages | Tickets: $10 – $22

Hibiscus Coast AFC – Please see attached flyer – FUNdamentals programme-2