Kia ora Koutou,
Hi all, thank you, everyone, for a great start to term 2. We are all back, and ready for learning. There is a lot happening this week to be very aware of!!
PUM (Paid Union Meeting) for all teachers are on around the country this week. In order to fit our Reading development in, our teachers are attending the PUM in Waimauku. I attended the PUM at Red Beach yesterday afternoon. At these meetings, we are all voting to accept or reject the offer on the table for pay. Our current Collective has now run out and is almost a year out of date. We have asked parents to pick up early to help with the supervision on Wednesday 8th May in the afternoon, as it will be myself, and one other teacher here to supervise. Thank you for your help.
Funds, School Donations, Payments and Fundraising!! Is a large factor that I spend my time thinking about, analyzing, looking at ways to work smarter and raise more funds. I’m sure most of you are aware we cannot run the school to the level we do without fundraising.
School Donation – The BOT has not raised this amount for many years, a huge thank you to everyone that has contributed their school donation. It is $200 per year per child or $375 for 2 or more children. This can be contributed over the year or in one lump sum.
Payments – All extra payments can now be done on Kindo. We will help you in the office to learn our very fast and easy online payment system and will accept some cash if you need to. Thank you to Mel for setting this up. There are very clear instructions on the website of how to set up an account for yourself.
Camp Payments and Activity Payments – There are still a number of outstanding payments for the Tui Team Camp. Please contact me if you would like to pay this off or talk about an outstanding payment. It is important we balance our books, thank you.
Fundraising – Our FOWS group are amazing and work hard to raise funds for our school!!
- Bike-a-Thon – All monies should be in by now. Prizegiving is being organised and will coincide with PINK SHIRT Day any outstanding monies.
- Quiz Night – Come and be a part of a fun night with your neighbours and community!! This is an annual much-loved event for the adults in our community. A huge thank you to Cindy Di Leva, Kate Doherty and FOWS members for all the time and organisation. Let’s now support this event either you can, make a team of your friends and family/ neighbours or if you are new to the area and are unsure or don’t know many people, let us know in the office and we can put you on a table with others!! This event is all about FUN!! If dressing up is not your thing, DON’T let that put you off – keep it simple just wear a hat!! Tickets are only $15.00. See the flyer below for more details.
Winter Sports Teams – I am sure you have noticed the tremendous amount of children practicing sports after school, before school and lunchtime. Thank you to all parents and teachers who have taken up the role of coach and/ manager of a team this year. All the teams begin their games over the next week or so. I wish you all a great season!!
Particular thanks to Alice Rowlands and Halena Howard. These teachers have done so much to get our teams up and running, thank you!!
Sharp Reading Programme https://www.sharpreading.com/ – This week all the teachers at Wainui School are undertaking further professional development with Hilton Ayrey, the director and developer of the reading programme.
Sharp Reading builds on the current reading programmes we have at Wainui School. For example, the Junior school will not stop using the Junior readers, teaching phonics and early sounds, blends and sight words. However, this programme enables us all to fine tune our teaching of the skills needed for reading.
SHARP stands for:
SUCCESS – we don’t learn to read without experiencing success.
HABITUALISATION – of the mental strategies to read until it becomes automatic.
AUTONOMY – free from influence.
ROUTINES – teaching and learning consistency.
PROGRESSION – through clear stages and of the programme, starting with Decoding at stages 1 &2, moving to Constructing meaning stages 3&4 to Critical thinking stages 5&6.
The children will talk you through the sequence of their reading if you want to know. Please feel free to come and ask more if you would like to understand more or of course visit the website.
Board Of Trustee’s Meeting – Wednesday 8th May, start time 6.30pm – If you are considering standing to be a BOT member do feel free to attend the upcoming BOT meeting as an observer. These meetings are in the staffroom. Please let Mel Ludwig the BOT Secretary (in the office), know if you are or just come along. It is a rewarding role and as with all roles, you get out of being a BOT member as much as you wish to put in. We welcome visitors.
Wai Factor Auditions – Wai Factor is run by our School Councillors this year it is being run by Celeste Hamilton-Dowling, Zoe Grey and DJ Harris Hatley.
Here is some information from Celeste:
Hi, I’m Celeste one of your student councillors and an Arts Team member. One of my goals this year was to organise Wai Factor.
Wai Factor auditions are in week 4 term 2 and sign up sheets are out! Start getting your acts prepared. Maybe you will perform a fun dance routine or a magic show or maybe you will sing! Let your imagination run wild! Year 1 to 4 auditions will be on Tuesday and year 5 to 8 on Wednesday.
Lunches – We have the offer of trailing Sushi from ‘sushi 4 u’ in Stanmore Bay. This is set up on our ‘Kindo Shop’ for you to purchase lunch on a Thursday. This will begin this Thursday 9th May.
Pink Shirt Day – Friday 17th May – Constable Bryan Ward and his colleagues will join us to acknowledge and participate in Pink Shirt Day. Please wear as much pink as you can, not just the shirt part. We will have pink cupcakes, a sausage sizzle and activities run by the school House Leaders that are based around the meaning of Pink Shirt Day.
Communication – We are endeavoring to keep the website as up to date as possible. Please refer here for all dates, events, and information. Let me know if you can’t find something you think should be here!! Thank you!!
Ka kite ano,
Gillian Bray
Science in a Van – Will be coming to Wainui School to present a show to the school. The date for this is 5th June 2019. Your child will be able to take part in these shows at no cost to you.
9.15-9.35: FREE Science Stunt for everyone
9.45-10.30: The Wonderful World of Bubbles (Juniors)
11.30-12.15: What’s the Matter? (seniors)
Commencing this week!!!
sushi4U lunch on Kindo Shop – Available Thursday!
Starting this Thursday, you can order healthy and delicious sushi and rice meals while supporting our school, through the Kindo Shop by clicking here! Just one login for every school payment. Simple and easy!
You will be able to order (or cancel) any time before 9am on the day or schedule in advance. Your sushi4U lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch.
Click here to view the term 2 menu.
Orders are made online through your myKindo account. One account for the whole family! Get started now and be ready… Click here or go to www.mykindo.co.nz to start ordering!
Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or tel. 869 5200 weekdays 8am-4pm.
Noel Leeming Fundraiser – With support from Noel Leeming, the School is running a Friends & Family Fund Raising event for 1 week. Proceeds from this event will be used to help fund the many (Academic, Sporting and Cultural events our students participate) in every year.
So, whether you’ve been dreaming of a flash new TV or a funky new phone cover, this is your chance to save big & support our school. During this fundraising event our local Silverdale store will be discounting, to cost +10% with 2.5% of those sales going back to our School!
All you need to do to support the cause is save this Noel Leeming Flyer to your smartphone/device or print it out and bring it with you when you shop at Noel Leeming during the week starting 13th May.
To make this the most successful fundraiser ever, we encourage you to share this flyer with your extended friends, family, business contacts, and colleagues.
Tickets are now on sale at the school office, $15.00 each. It’s sure to be a fun night! We look forward to seeing you there. See the flyer below for more details.
We’re also looking for country and western themed props to decorate the hall, if you have anything that you would be happy to lend to the FOWS committee that has a country & western twist, please email fows@wainui.school.nz
Remember email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office,exo@wainui.school.nz
Wainui Hwkes Yr 7/8 vs Northcote Intermediate. Won 8 – 0.
- Wednesday 8th May – Paid Union Meeting for teachers.
- Wednesday 8th May – BOT Meeting – 6.30pm.
- Friday 10th May – Kiwi Assembly – 9.15pm.
- Friday 10th May – School Photo Day.
- Friday 10th May – Juicie Sale – Morning Tea.
- Friday 10th May – Garden to Table Stall – 2.30 – 3.45pm.
- Monday 13th – Sunday 19th May – Noel Leeming Silverdale Fundraiser.
- Friday 17th May – Entries close for University of Canterbury Exams.
- Friday 17th May – Bike-a-thon Prizegiving.
- Friday 17th May – Pink Shirt Day.
- Friday 24th May – BOT Election Nominations close – 12 noon.
- Wednesday 5th June – Science in a Van.
- Friday 7th June – BOT Election Day, voting closes – 12 noon.
- Friday 14th June – Elected Board of Trustees take office.
- Saturday 15th June – Country & Western Quiz Night – 6.30pm.
- Friday 2nd August – Entries close for ICAS Exams.
Do you want your child to learn their times tables off by heart? We can help!
We’re having a massive focus on times tables in Term 2.
We run in-school lessons at Wainui Primary so book in NOW!
or call Julie on 424 3536