Kia ora Koutou,

Yesterday I attended the Powhiri of the new Principal for Orewa College, Wiri Warriner. In my capacity as Kahui Ako ki Orewa Co-leader, it was wonderful to feel and observe the warmth, the openness and be a part of the Powhiri. Wiri was the Deputy Principal of Whangaparaoa College, but he actually attended Orewa College as a pupil. A very special day for Orewa College, we look forward to working with Wiri.

This Weeks Focus:

  • GOOD News!
  • The Bees are Back
  • Team Newsletters
  • Wai Factor
  • Wild Feelings Show
  • Cultural Diversity Week
  • International Students
  • Chocolate Fundraiser


  • GOOD News! – Thank you all parents and caregivers for your communication around attendance. Everyone has been superb at letting me know if you are planning on taking time off – as the focus on attendance is across New Zealand. Congratulations, we are averaging 91% attendance for our learners every week, which is great.
  • More GOOD News – The bees are back! First thank you to Jenna and Jason Marshall form SJA Honey! The hives and bees are all provided by the Marshall Family and Jenna Marshall is coming in to work with a group of Year 7&8 students lead by Mr Wotton. Students will be learning all about bees, beekeeping and the prospect of once again producing yummy honey! We are all thrilled, thank you.

  • Team Newsletters – By now you will have received your team newsletter/s these are full of information about each team, the learning programmes, the people, the trips, expectations, the dates of events and, what is happening. Well done to team leaders these are designed to enable families to be well informed.
  • Wai Factor – Our annual performing arts competition is back! This is a totally student run event and we apologise if the communication was a little less than needed. The students and teachers have reorganised this to ensure everyone has time to practice and be prepared. All dates are loaded onto the website.
  • Wild Feelings Show – On Monday, the children from years 0-6 were fortunate enough to attend the ‘Wild Feelings’ show. It was such a great experience for our tamariki, with lots of fun and great learning. The Year 2 students wrote amazing stories to describe their experience. All children were engaged and well entertained while also given some meaningful messages. If you didn’t contribute a gold coin donation and would still like to do so, please hand it into the class teacher or school office.


  • Cultural Diversity Week – This is the second student led part of our learning programme this term. This event has developed from being a day, to a week of celebrations and learning. During this week all students will explore the diversity of ethnicity in their classes and across the school. We ask families to allow students to bring artefacts that are special to their family, to share a food that is special to their family and think about wearing something that depicts the culture of their origin. We have arranged for a number of performance groups to visit this week and share dance and music.
  • International Students – Students mainly from China are inquiring about returning to our school. If you would be interested in hosting a student for two weeks please let me know. Families are reimbursed for hosting students and is also financially beneficial for the school.
  • Chocolate Fundraiser – Will be starting very soon! Monday 27th May the cartons will be ready to go! More details to come.


DISCO TIME! – Tickets are on sale at the office or on Kindo for $15. Thank you Leslie Ann and the FOWS for organising this and to Matt Jones for stepping in to be the Disco’s MC.  The dress code is “Dress to Impress” so “Dazzle” us with your costumes! See the poster for more details!

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Monday 6th – Sunday 12th May – NZ Sign Language Week.
  • Tuesday 7th May – Wainui School Board Meeting – 6:30pm.
  • Friday 10th May – Kiwi Team to Botanical Gardens.
  • Friday 10th May – Wainui School Disco – Junior Yrs 1-4: 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Seniors Yrs 5-8: 7:15 pm to 8:45 pm.
  • Wednesday 15th May – School Photos.
  • Friday 17th May – Pink Shirt Day.
  • Monday 20th – Friday 24th May – Cultural Diversity Week.
  • Monday 27th May – Chocolate Fundraiser Launch Date.
  • Wednesday 29th May – FOWS (Friends of Wainui School) Meeting – 7:00pm in the Staffroom.
  • Friday 31st May – Teacher Only Day – School Closed.
  • Monday 3rd June – Kings Birthday – School Closed.
  • Monday 24th – Friday 28th June – Matariki Week.


Wai Factor – Thank you to all of the students who have entered into our Wai Factor competition.
Our timetable has changed in order for our younger students to have more time to prepare for their heats.
Years 5 to 8 heats took place as planned yesterday. Year 0-4 heats will now be in week 4.
HERE is a link to the Wainui Wai Factor website. This website has all the information about the scheduling of heats, semis and finals. It also shows the student entries. Please let us know if there are changes that need to be made to entries, or any updates to the information we have.

We are really looking forward to seeing our talented students’ performances!

School Photos – It will soon be time for your school photos on Wednesday 15th May.
You do not order/ pay for your child’s portraits until AFTER PHOTO DAY.
You will receive an order form featuring a photo of your child after Photo Day.

School Photos – Sports Teams – School Photo day is Wednesday 15th May, this involves Sports photos.

If you are in a Winter sports team please bring to school the following:
Netball – Netball dress and shoes.
Basketball – Singlet, black shorts and shoes.
Hockey – Wainui School shirt, black shorts, black socks and shoes.
Flippa ball – Wainui School shirt.
Thank you, Halena Howard & Luke Cochrane – Sports Coordinators

Garden to Table – Just a quick note from Sue: A big thank you to the people who have donated worms and plants! I never imagined I’d be so excited to arrive at the garden to find that someone has dropped off a big bag of horse poo!! It is all really very much appreciated and helps our garden to thrive!

Chocolate Sale Fundraiser – Wainui School Annual Chocolate Sale will be launching 27th May!  1 box of chocolates will be given to the oldest child of each family to sell. There are heaps of great prizes up for grabs!! More details to come in next week’s newsletter…

Wainui School Hoodies – Last day for orders for the Wainui School blue Hoodies is tomorrow, Wednesday, 8th May. Please complete the order form and make payment in the office.

Winter Sports Teams – This term Winter Sports gets underway. We have 7 Netball, 6 Hockey, 5 Basketball teams and 1 Flippa Ball team competing in their competitions. Hockey started last night, playing at Metro Park in Millwater, with the Year 7/8’s playing on Tuesday’s at Rosedale. Netball starts on Friday for the Year 7/8 team playing in the Kaipara league. The Year 1-6 teams start on Saturday at Kidzplay Pinehurst. The Basketball leagues are played at Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre on various evenings. Flippa Ball is played on Sunday’s at the same location.

Good luck to all students involved in these teams. Thank you coaches and managers for volunteering to organise these teams.
Results will be posted in the newsletter weekly.

Thank you, Mrs Halena Howard and Luke Cochrane – Sports Coordinators


email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, 


Wainui Dribblers vs Silverdale Stormers. Won 2-0.

Wainui Wairau vs Stella Maris Kiwis. Won 3-1.

Wainui Warriors vs Red Beach Avengers. Won 6-0.


Wainui Hawkes vs DFS Panthers. Won 19-2.

Wainui Thunder Y6 vs Vipers. Won 30-0.