Kia ora Koutou,
This week we welcome the chance to talk about, speak about, speak up about “bullying” with “PINK SHIRT DAY on FRIDAY!!
We have had an amazing opportunity bought through by one of our mum’s Karlene Jonkers. I have copied Karlene’s fantastic idea for us for Friday:
“I’m a trustee for the Sophie Elliott Foundation; preventing relationship violence through education. I work alongside NZ Police in facilitating our Loves Me Not program in NZ high schools. I also run various workshops on the red flags of abuse, bullying and resilience.
It would make a wonderful photo opportunity to showcase ‘good’ being done in our community. I know that the teachers are fully invested, as are the children. It would be great to see you there to capture this Pink Shirt Day extravaganza!! Kick off is at 9:15am.”
All the staff at Wainui School are just thrilled to have this opportunity and are really looking forward to Friday. Do come and join us!! Wear some pink!!

Winter Sports Teams Have All Started – We have 7 Hockey teams, 9 Netball teams and 1 Basketball team. This is fantastic for our school of 290 children!! A huge thank you to Alice Rowlands for all your work in helping get all teams organised, practicing, managed and in uniform!! Alice has been helped by Halena Howard and Jason Irvine. We look forward to hearing how you all go and wish you all a great season.
Buses and Pick Up – With a large number of children playing sport and going to practices and sports games after school, the after school pick up needs to be well organised for the office to know to take your child off or put them on the bus. Please ensure you have communicated this clearly to the school office and/ or any change of arrangement after school before 2.00pm. Thank you.
Kindo – Our online system for paying for everything is now up and running and going well. Please go to the school website if you need to set up an account. You can then pay for all your trips, sports fees, school donations, eventually, everything will be loaded onto this system. If you wish to do this with the help of the office ladies please do not hesitate to go in and use the school computer to do so. Thank you to everyone who has already set themselves up and given it a go!!
BOT Meeting – Last week we held our monthly BOT meeting. The minutes are always put onto the website once they have been approved. It is BOT election time with one last meeting to be held before the election. I am always happy to discuss the role of the BOT with you and encourage you to stand for a position on the Board. It is very rewarding and enables you to be involved in the next three years governance of the school. In my 8 years of being principal of Wainui School we have always had a positive, productive and happy Board of Trustees that really care about all the children, staff and community of Wainui!! Nominations close at 12 noon on Friday 24th May.
Farewell – Sadly we have to say farewell for now to our wonderful Drum teacher Pete Warren. Pete needs to focus on getting his own health restored!! If you have outstanding lessons Pete said he would be catching up with you all to work this out. Meanwhile, I am looking at finding another drum teacher to fill in whilst Pete regains his health and hopefully returns to us.
Member of Parliament for Helensville Chris Penk – Is visiting me this week, I will share with Chris the aims and concerns of our BOT as were discussed at the last meeting. Our school student leaders will have a chance to meet and greet Chris and share their thoughts of the future as well. This is not directly related to the strike and teachers issue, more a general visit around the needs of the school and the community. Some of the areas we will bring up are; the roads, a need for an early childhood facility on our grounds, lack of funding for learning support.
Lost Property – I have picked up and stored in a box in the office containing a large amount of clothing, shoes, and hats. If you have lost something please come and claim it back. This boxful will go to the charities if not claimed at the end of the week. We ask you to name all belongings, we can then help return these to their owners.
Wai Factor Auditions – These begin next week!! Our student councillors, Celeste, Gabby, Ruby, and Zoe are putting together this year’s competition. The girls themselves over the years have participated and even won the much-coveted award. I am sure we will see more of these girls perform as well.
Bike-a-Thon Prizegiving!! This Friday 17th May (along with PINK Shirt Day!!!) I have already heard a whisper of how much money has come in from all the sponsorship!! This is fantastic and will make such a difference to us to be able to meet the goals we have set ourselves for the school grounds and to meet all the goals in our annual plan!! Prizegiving is at 10.15am on Friday.
Mega Strike for all Teachers and Principals in New Zealand, both Primary and College – The strike is on the 29th May. As you are well aware from the previous days of action we have most of our teachers involved. We are all most willing to discuss with you the issues we are striking over.
Symptoms of measles include:
- Measles is a serious disease and symptoms include a high fever, runny nose, cough, and sore red eyes, followed by a rash starting behind the ears and spreading to the body a few days later. One in 10 people with measles need hospital treatment and the most serious cases can result in deafness or swelling of the brain.
- If you are concerned that your child may be showing signs of this serious illness, please keep them home from school and call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 611 116. It’s important to call first because measles is highly infectious and could infect others in the waiting room.
- Students showing signs of illness should also be kept home from activities involving large groups of people such as school camps, sports events and performance festivals.
Ka kite ano,
Gillian Bray
Country & Western Quiz Night:
Have you ever taken part in a pub quiz night? Then you’ll most likely be familiar with “Believe it or not”. They are at the helm of many quiz nights around New Zealand and will be running the quiz at Wainui School on Saturday 15th June, 6.30pm.…….If not, don’t be weary .. these quizzes are all about fun, designed to suit everyday people, they cover a range of interesting topics, culture and games.
So come along and enjoy the evening, grab your tickets from the school office $15.00pp.
Also…….check out the Wainui School Facebook page to see some of the awesome Auction/Raffle items we have so far!
ICAS Exams (available for Years 4 – 8) will be sat online this year and all papers are $15.00 each.
The testing dates are as follows:
ICAS Digital Technologies – Tues 3 Sep
ICAS Science – Thu 5 Sep
ICAS Writing – Tues 10 Sep
ICAS Spelling Bee – Thu 12 Sep
ICAS English – Tues 17 Sep
ICAS Maths – Thur 19 Sep
If you are interested in your child sitting any of these exams, please let Mrs Taylor know via email: wtaylor@wainui.school.nz
The closing date for all entries is: Friday 2nd August.
Further information about these exams can be found at: https://unsw.global/icas
University of Canterbury is offering competitions in English, Science and Maths (available for Years 5-8). These tests are skills-based and closely align with the NZ curriculum. Each competition cost is $9.00. These competitions are also online and will run in the last 3 weeks of Term 2 and one week of Term 3.
If you would like to register your child for any of these competitions, please let Mrs Taylor know via email: wtaylor@wainui.school.nz . Entries (along with the fee) need to be back at school by Friday 17th May.
Further information about these competitions can be found at: https://www.cem.canterbury.ac.
sushi4U lunch on Kindo Shop – Available Thursday!
Don’t forget you can order healthy and delicious sushi and rice meals while supporting our school, through the Kindo Shop by clicking here! Just one login for every school payment. Simple and easy!
You will be able to order (or cancel) any time before 9am on the day or schedule in advance. Your sushi4U lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch.
Click here to view the term 2 menu.
Orders are made online through your myKindo account. One account for the whole family! Get started now and be ready… Click here or go to www.mykindo.co.nz to start ordering!
Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or tel. 869 5200 weekdays 8am-4pm.
Noel Leeming Fundraiser – Reminder that with support from Noel Leeming, the School is running a Friends & Family Fund Raising event for 1 week. Proceeds from this event will be used to help fund the many (Academic, Sporting and Cultural events our students participate) in every year.
So, whether you’ve been dreaming of a flash new TV or a funky new phone cover, this is your chance to save big & support our school. During this fundraising event our local Silverdale store will be discounting, to cost +10% with 2.5% of those sales going back to our School!
All you need to do to support the cause is save this Noel Leeming Flyer to your smartphone/device or print it out and bring it with you when you shop at Noel Leeming during the week starting 13th May.
To make this the most successful fundraiser ever, we encourage you to share this flyer with your extended friends, family, business contacts, and colleagues.
Remember to email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, exo@wainui.school.nz
Wainui Galaxy (Yr 2/3) vs St. John’s. Draw: 1 – 1. POD: Scarlett Thew.
Wainui Stars (Yr 3) vs Albany Cool Cats. Won: 12 – 0. POD: Jenna Els.
Wainui Jets (Yr 4) vs St Joseph’s Reds. Won: 20 – 0. POD: Caitlin Bailey.
Wainui Comets (Yr 5) vs St Joseph’s All Stars. Won: 25 – 0. Sportsmanship Award: Mackenzie Allen.
Wainui Comets (Yr 5) vs Bayfield Bandits. Won: 14 – 1. Sportsmanship Award: Keira Sams. POD: Lily Haswell.
Wainui Rockets (Yr 6) vs Hobsonville Pt Hercules. Won: 14 – 2. Sportsmanship Award: Mikayla Wacokecoke. POD: Maya Ledger.
Wainui Tuis (Yr 7) vs Waimauku Pumas. Won: 5 – 1.
Wainui Tuis (Yr 7) vs Helensville Eagles. Won: 7 – 6.
Wainui Firebirds (Yr 3/4 Mixed) vs Greenhithe. Lost: 0 – 5. POD: Liam Miners.
At the last assembly, the following students received certificates for “Respectful”.
- Kauri: Grayce Brothers, Ty Browne Hale. Writing: Bradyn Yacyshen.
- Kahikatea: Serenity Harris Hatley, Teah Schweitzer. Writing: Kayla Paladin.
- Rimu: Alex Colborn, Ashton Russell. Writing: Morgan Keller.
- Matai: Connor Lloyd-Read, Ben Partner. Writing: Xela Odedra.
- Totara: Ruby Mayes, Tyler Newman. Writing: Dusty Pullen.
- Nikau: Harry Browne Hale, Raya Sams. Writing: Harper Laurie.
- Kowhai: Jakob Brown, Ella Brea Wells-Lakeland. Writing: Carter Wright.
- Kohekohe: Capri Fairhurst, Alice Jones. Writing: Leo Banton.
- Pukatea: Madie Gooding, Jackson Wright. Writing: Lucian Allen.
- Rata: Archer Olliff, Noah Ouzoun. Writing: Charlotte Andrew.
- Karaka: Leo Sawyer, Summer Starr. Writing: Hannah Wallace.
- Puriri Rua: Sophia Holder, Logan Marshall. Writing: Gabrielle Long.
- Puriri: George Anderson, Kayami Atkinson. Writing: Eden-Rose Dixon.
Our amazing Hellyer Cup Winners were Alizay Clifford (Kohekohe), Pippa Heaton (Kowhai) and Eva Sparkes (Nikau).
The recipient for the Hellyer Cup in Pukatea was not at school on the day of the Assembly. They will be awarded with the cup at the Bike-a-thon Prizegiving this Friday 17th May at 10.15am.
- Monday 13th – Sunday 19th May – Noel Leeming Silverdale Fundraiser.
- Friday 17th May – Entries close for University of Canterbury Exams.
- Friday 17th May – Bike-a-thon Prizegiving – 10.15am.
- Friday 17th May – Pink Shirt Day.
- Friday 24th May – Pukeko Assembly – 9.15am.
- Friday 24th May – BOT Election Nominations close – 12 noon.
- Wednesday 29th May – Teachers and Principals Strike Day.
- Wednesday 29th May – FOWS Meeting – 7pm.
- Monday 3rd June – QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY.
- Wednesday 5th June – Science in a Van.
- Friday 7th June – BOT Election Day, voting closes – 12 noon.
- Friday 14th June – Elected Board of Trustees take office.
- Saturday 15th June – Country & Western Quiz Night – 6.30pm.
- Friday 2nd August – Entries close for ICAS Exams.
Waitotara Sustainable and Resilient Living
Sun 26th May 12-2, 93 Bayer Rd, Upper Waiwera
Drop in anytime for a cuppa and home baking and see what there is to learn about our little patches of this beautiful planet
Fun activities for the kids so chuck them in the car:)
Chainsaw workshop starts at 2.30 so you might want to flow into that as well.
Any queries to Christina 027 234 3242
Ladies of lifestyle blocks and your lovely but maybe not so handy men…learn to use your chainsaw and weedeater with Peter and his team from Silverdale Stihl Shop.
When: Sunday 26th, Session 1 from 2.30 – 3.15 or and Session 2 from 3.30 – 4.15
Where: Waitotara Sustainable and Resilient Living, 93 Bayer Rd, Upper Waiwera
What to bring: Enclosed footwear/gumboots, suitable clothing, also safety glasses, ear muffs and gloves if you have them. Chain saws and weedeaters, chaps, ear muffs, helmets and gloves will be available for free use for safe hands on learning.
BYO chainsaw from home but cannot be used if does not comply.
Cost: $10.00.
Spaces are limited so register your preferred session by emailing hello@
Great for the Guts, Kombucha and Sauerkraut workshop Sunday June 9th
Beekeeping for Beginners with Brian, Sunday June 26th
Register interest to the above

Northern Mystics vs Central Pulse
Doors Open: 6.30pm
Centre Pass: 7.40pm
Adult tickets start from just $15.00 each and kids tickets only $10 (across all price zones)
Team Ticket Pass: 10 tickets for $110 – great value as this averages at only $11 per ticket
Purchase tickets to this game and you automatically go in the draw to win: