Kia ora Koutou,
PINK SHIRT DAY OF COURSE!! – What an amazing effort for PINK SHIRT Day!! Our campaign led by Mr. Jason Irvine and the year 8’s was “awesome”!! I had year 1’s telling me today it was the best day and it engineered much discussion by us all about our own behavior and attitudes towards each other!!
It was wonderful to see so many parents join us on the day wearing pink!!
Thank you to Karlene Jonkers for organising the pink T-shirts, all the students had so much fun creating their own slogans!!
Some reminders about our own processes to deal with “bullying” (we hope there is very little) but we know we have incidents of behaviour that are not positive.
What to do as a parent??
- Make a time to talk with the teacher.
- If not resolved make a time to talk with the principal.
- If still not resolved then there is a formal complaints process that can be used for the BOT.
At Wainui we like to at all times focus on our values, our 5R’s. The most important ones are Respect and being Relational with others.
We do have a zero tolerance to bullying, fighting and any form of aggressive behaviour, bad language included.
The Wainui School Board of Trustees is currently creating a Parent Code of Conduct that will be approved and go home in the next month to ensure parents also use the school values of Respect and being Relational.
- incidents of problem behaviour decline
- the general behaviour of students improve
- teachers spending more time teaching
- students more engaged and achieving across the curriculum.
Bike-a-Thon Prizegiving – Last Friday was a double dose of “awesomeness”!! We were finally able to present the prizes in the draw for Bike-a-Thon and announce the total money raised!!
Thank you once again to Denise Ditchburn and Kay Elliott, the key FOWS members who organized and gathered the prizes. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the sponsorship. We raised a grand total of $13,722 amazing!! This money raised goes towards improving the environment at school for play and learning.
The winners are all listed below. Special mention must go to Zahara Patterson who raised a grand total of $900 on her own. Zahara not only won the prize for the most money raised but also won the prize for most sponsors!! Zahara at the prizegiving then gave away her second prize to the second prize winner of the most sponsors!! Wow, Zahara a very generous gesture!!
Prize winners list:
Congratulations Sams Family – For winning a chrome book for the school!! Once again a group of Wainui students attended the Easter Show and showed their lambs!!
Whole School Assembly – Pukeko Team will be leading the performance. We will be focusing on the value of Resilience awarding our certificates to children demonstrating this value in particular.
Teachers and Principals Strike with the College teachers and principals next Wednesday, 29th May. The Wainui School Board of Trustees will send a letter to all families stating our school will be “Closed for Instruction”.
Science in a Van – Timetable for 5th June 2019
9.15-9.35am: FREE Science Stunt for everyone
9.45-10.30am: The Wonderful World of Bubbles
11.30-12.15pm: What’s the Matter?
You can visit their website for teaching and learning ideas prior to their arrival
There will be no charge to the children we have raised the money through various stalls this year. Thank you, Miss Stevenson, for organising this and raising the funds.
We have some very talented students one being Year 7 student April Fletcher who represented New Zealand in Barrel Racing in Australia last week. April and her teammate got 2nd place, USA beat them by 0.6 of a second!
Gympie Australia International Youth Barrel Race Tournament.
1st USA – Mikayleigh Hitchings, Kaelei Trudeau.
2nd New Zealand – Sky Sanders, April Fletcher.
3rd Australia – Ashley Koch, Alicia Ellis.
4th Canada – Amy Newman, Hailey Crockford.
Ka kite ano,
Gillian Bray
Thank You to Pete Kristensson at the STIHL SHOP Silverdale who fixed the school’s water blaster hose free of charge.
Pete replaced the entire hose, rather than just fix the damaged bits in a very short space of time! They replaced it free of charge because “schools need a bit of help”. Thanks so much to Pete and your team at the STIHL SHOP Silverdale.
Support for Parents – Here are some helpful websites to support you as parents and caregivers.
Kidslink KidsLink is an online website and an up-to-date resource tool of services that families and schools can connect with to help with educational, physical and emotional needs for their kids and teenagers.
The Parenting Place Parenting Place have a range of programmes, courses, camps and resources, tailored for you and your whānau underpinned by Christian faith values.
Triple P Parenting Triple P is an internationally acclaimed parenting programme. Triple P gives parents a choice of simple strategies you can adapt to suit your own family’s needs – to build better relationships and manage behaviour. There are a range of courses including online courses.
Quiz Night
You don’t need to be a “Quiz Whiz” or have a table of 10, (10 is just the maximum number per table) you can buy 1 ticket or 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9… we can help make up a team. Come join us for a fun night – only four weeks to go!
Tickets available from the school office $15.00pp
Check out some of the auction/raffle items we’re gathering for our country & western themed quiz night!

Glamping Eco Structure tent – Two night’s accommodation for up to four people in an eco-structure glamping tent at Orewa campground.
Car care pack and WOF from Repco and VTNZ.

Vouchers from Foo Du Dumplings Silverdale.
Email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office,
11/5/19: Wainui Asteroids (Yr 1) vs Browns Bay. Lost: 1 – 2. POD: Isla Brothers.
18/5/19: Wainui Asteroids (Yr 1) vs Glenfield G’babies. Lost: 0 – 1. POD: George Jarvie.
Wainui Galaxy (Yr 2/3) vs Dairy Flat. Won: 9 – 3. POD: Eva Sparkes.
Wainui Jets (Yr 4) vs Willow Park Firebirds. Won: 11 – 3. POD: Taya Hawken.
Wainui Gems (Yr 4) vs Sunnynook Sunsets. Lost: 7 – 0. POD: Eva Pengelly.
Wainui Yr 7/8 vs TNIS. Won: 5 – 3. POD: All the girls.
Our amazing Hellyer Cup Winner for Pukatea was Melia Messenheimer – congratulations!
- Friday 24th May – Pukeko Assembly – 9.15am.
- Friday 24th May – BOT Election Nominations close – 12 noon.
- Wednesday 29th May – Teachers and Principals Strike Day.
- Wednesday 29th May – FOWS Meeting – 7pm.
- Monday 3rd June – QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY.
- Wednesday 5th June – Science in a Van.
- Friday 7th June – BOT Election Day, voting closes – 12 noon.
- Friday 14th June – Elected Board of Trustees take office.
- Saturday 15th June – Country & Western Quiz Night – 6.30pm.
- Friday 2nd August – Entries close for ICAS Exams.

Entrance Scholarship Exams – Wentworth College, Gulf Harbour
Wentworth College is a Private School in Gulf Harbour that follows the Cambridge International Education curriculum. The Wentworth Trust Board offers a number of Entrance Scholarships each year to potential new students wishing to enter Wentworth College. Scholarships are awarded by way of a discount off the annual tuition fees, ranging in value up to 50%.
Scholarships are awarded based on the results of scholarship examinations whilst also considering applicants’ all round ability (such as sport, cultural and community endeavours). Applicants are required to sit assessments in English and Mathematics, each of approximately 1 hour’s duration.
Scholarship examinations for students wishing to enter Wentworth in 2020 will be held on Wednesday, 26th June 2019. If you wish to register to receive further information about these examinations, please email
Wentworth College – Open Day Wednesday 29th May
Tours at 9am, 12pm and 3.30pm
Wentworth College in Gulf Harbour would like to invite families to visit our school on Wednesday 29th May. Our senior students will lead school tours throughout the day and our Principal will give short talks about the International Cambridge curriculum and Wentworth life.