Kia ora Koutou,

The chocolate fundraiser is almost over!! We can all stop eating it, sell the last bars and return the money raised or unsold chocolates!!! Thank you everyone who has sold at least one carton and if you have been selling more than one or lots we really thank you!!!


Thanks to our wonderful parent Megan Evans we have lots of vouchers and prizes to share once this is all tallied up. We will have a chocolate Prizegiving Assembly!!

News this week:

  • Board Meeting
  • Assembly Friday
  • Jumping June
  • Scooters, Skateboards and Mud
  • Matariki Assembly 


Board Meeting – The Wainui School Board met last week where a number of  decisions were made:

  1. Second Teacher Only Day as awarded by the Ministry of Education will be tagged to Labour weekend – Tuesday 29th October.
  2. Enrolment Zone – Two Ballot dates for Out of Zone enrolments have been set, 5th July and 23rd October 2024. There are still places for up to 28 Out of Zone students in all levels of the school.
  3. Property news to focus on improving and increasing the size of the Garden to Table project.
  4. Focus on improving the entrance way, the landscape plan has been completed. We are now focused on the various elements coming together, watch this space.


Assembly Friday – At the Assembly this Friday we will celebrate the value of Relational. The Tui team will lead this Assembly and award the Hellyer cups to their outstanding students. A special presentation will occur with Simone du Bernard presenting our outstanding student Vincent Callaghan with an award for his display of sportsmanship at the touch tournament.

Jumping June – Thank you Mrs Howard for getting us all involved this week with Jump ropes for the Heart Foundation’s “Jumping June”!! We have been sent 300 skipping ropes!! We will all be jumping as encouraged by the Heart Foundation to improve our own fitness and raise awareness of the cause.

From Mrs Howard – Sports Coordinator

On Friday 21st June we will be holding Jumping June to raise money for the Heart Foundation. Students will take part in skipping based activities throughout the day and there will be a sausage sizzle, where all proceeds will go to the Heart Foundation.

On the day please wear shoes and you can dress up in red colours if you wish. In preparation before the event day, classes will be practising the skipping skills with our new skipping ropes all supplied from Jumping June.  More information on the sausage sizzle to come.

Scooters, Skateboards and Mud – Please feel free to bring your own scooter these next few weeks whilst we are maintaining and sorting our bikes and have to keep off the muddy areas we have now the rain has returned.  A big area of the garden has been fenced off, thank you to Mr Bray and Dan Broederlow and his company for starting this project of upgrading the gardens and the pathway.


Matariki Week 9 (24th-28th June) Matariki holiday is Friday 28th June.

This week we will focus our core subjects and our Inquiry programme around celebrating Matariki. We will be holding a special celebration Assembly on Tuesday 25th June. Teams will perform waiata, the school kapa haka and Mau rākau group will perform. We will follow this with a special morning kai and a chat with all our whānau parents re the school’s strategy and what is happening in our school around Te ao Māori. Please do join us.


Wanted – A builder to build us a new retaining wall around the bottom playground. Please call Mrs Bray if this is a job for you!!

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Friday 14th June – Chocolate Fundraiser End Date.
  • Friday 14th June – Tui Team Assembly – 2pm.
  • Friday 21st June – Jumping June Day.
  • Monday 24th – Friday 28th June – Matariki Week.
  • Tuesday 25th June – Matariki Assembly.
  • Friday 28th June – Matariki Holiday – School is Closed.
  • Sunday 30th June – Orders for School Photos Close.


Whittaker’s Chocolate Fundraiser – This Friday 14th June is the end of the Whittaker’s Chocolate Fundraiser. Please bring in the money you have collected for the chocolates, boxes can also be paid for on Kindo and any unsold chocolates you have. Once again, a big thank you to all our generous sponsors for this fundraiser.

School Photos – Leaflets with the details of how to order the school photos have gone home. School photos can be ordered on the School Memories website: with your order code. Orders close on Sunday 30th June.


email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, 


Wainui Yr 2 Sapphires vs CICS Shining Stars.  Lost: 2 – 7.  POD: Sophia Wright. Coaches Award: Willow Davis. Sportsmanship Award: Maggie Jarvie.
Wainui Gems vs Pinehurst Salted Caramel.  Won: 7 – 2. Super proud of the girls and is a pleasure to watch them improve week on week – Phil Horne.
Wainui Jets Yr 5 vs Hobsonville Primary. Draw: 3 – 3.  POD’s: Darcy Mash and Maci Campbell.
Wainui Yr 6 Wainui Asteroids vs Forest Hill Flames.  Won: 11 – 3.  POD: Vuliana Lodge.  Sportsmanship Award: Amani Linton.


Wainui Thunder Yr 5/6  vs SBS Slammers.  Won: 20 – 12.  POD: Jackson Ledger.
Wainui Senior Basketball vs OC Lakers.  Won: 39 – 4.  POD: Hamish Fincham.

Flippa Ball

Wainui Surges vs Kingsway Kingfish.  Won: 12 – 1.  POD: Vincent Callaghan.


Enviro Expo – This is a fun family conservation day which will be held on Saturday 22nd June in the Warkworth Town Hall. Click here for further details There will also be a bookable VR experience, click here for booking details Enviro Expo & Blake NZ Virtual Reality Underwater Experience | Humanitix

sKIDS Winter Holiday Programme – Click here for the flyer HHQ sKids Winter HP Template Stella Maris

To celebrate girls football we are putting on an event free of charge for girls age 4 – 9 years old. They’ll be able to take part in fun football-based activities with great coaches and there will be lots of football spot prizes to be won too!
Register today to secure a place for what will be a fun night.
Date: Friday 14th June
Start time: 5.30pm (registration will open from 5pm)
Finish time: 6.30pm
Location: Metro Park, 228 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale
For the 1 hour session your child will be put into a group with other girls their age. There will be a sausage sizzle available ($3 for a sausage and a drink), loads of football prizes and of course lollies!
⚽⚽ WIN a $50 New World voucher ⚽⚽
Thanks to the support of New World, you have a chance to win a $50 voucher to spend!
How to enter:
1. Share this post with your friends via social media
2. Get them to register their child for the event (and turn up!) and mention your name when the book.
3. Cross your fingers you win!
We hope to see you on the 14th June! ⚽
About Hibiscus Coast Association Football Club
Our club has a dedicated girls section, lots of all-girl teams covering all ages and is passionate about growing the number of girls playing football so that they can learn lifelong skills, make new friends and gain confidence that comes with playing a team sport.