Kia ora Koutou,

The countdown is on to the end of Term 2 and holidays!!! I hope you all enjoyed the fabulous weather we were blessed with for Matariki weekend!!! Perfect for spotting the Matariki stars or getting out with friends and family!!!

Last Newsletter For The Term Focus:



MATARIKI CELEBRATION – What a great week with Matariki celebrations being held in all areas of the school, stunning art works, waiata and a special guest, Tiena King, to teach our older girls how to play tī rākau.

Tie dying in Nikau Class:  This week Millie Dunn shared her passion for tie die with her class.  They made some incredible looking clothing to be worn and shown off, so look out for Mrs. Sutton and her class at Friday’s Assembly!!

CHOCOLATES LAST RETURNS –  There are still outstanding cartons! PLEASE return the money/ chocolate ASAP, as we are wanting to tally up the profits and have all entries ready for prize giving at Fridays assembly. The office staff will call you if this remains outstanding thank you.


Meghan and Olivia with their fractions to share.

MATHS IN THE KIWI TEAM – was all about fractions!!! a great way to learn about fractions then display at the fractions museum!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and strategies.

Riley enjoying the challenge of fractions.

WAIFACTOR FINALS – Thursday 4th July start time 12:20pm !!!! We wish every contestant all the best! We hope you enjoy your chance to perform and show us all your talents and hard work!! It is a fierce competition, but please know that in our eyes, you are all stars! We invite everyone to join us and celebrate this very anticipated event, organised by Lexi, Flynn and Ella, our year 8 student councillors.

ASSEMBLY FRIDAY –  N.B. Early start time of 1:45 pm. We have planned a full-on and exciting assembly, hence the early start time!! Plans include: Chocolate sales prizes are to be awarded, Takahe Team will be presenting their drama performance, and we will be wishing Danté Broederlow all the very best for his Gold Tournament in the United States representing New Zealand !!!! 

CLOTHES AND BELONGINGS – PLEASE come and rescue your clothes and belongings! From Crocs, sneakers to a brand new black puffer jacket, loads of sweaters, some drink bottles and lots more!!! All items left after Friday will be disposed of over the holidays to a charity.

MID YEAR REPORTS – Reports will come home this week. I have the privilege of reading, editing and signing every report!! The teachers have worked hard to bring you this information and will be holding a learning conversation in the third week of Term 3 to discuss these. Please note there are few changes to these reports and new information including:

  1. Attendance is a real focus of the Government and all NZ schools!! You will see this is clearly outlined and explained. Congratulations Wainui Community, there are so many of you with great attendance 90% and above!! (if you were under and were sick please do not over worry, we would rather that you were at home with your bugs!!!).
  2. Mid-year achievement data can feel disappointing – remember this is mid year not end!! Learning is happening and the end report will change.


INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – Students coming mainly from China will join us at the beginning of next term, some staying for 3 weeks and others for two weeks. We are excited to once again be hosting students from Asia something we haven’t done since COVID. Most have their own accomodation only a very few are home-stays. Thank you to those that offered to host, we might have more next year!


Thank you to each and every parent and caregiver for your support of the school and all we do! The teachers, support staff and I wish you a safe and happy break!!!

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Tuesday 2nd July – Yr 7/8 Rock Climbing Trip.
  • Tuesday 2nd July – 6:30pm Board Meeting.
  • Thursday 4th July- Wai Factor Finals. 12:20pm.
  • Friday 5th July – Takahe Team Assembly & Chocolate Prizegiving. 1:45pm start.
  • Friday 5th July – Last day of Term 2.
  • Monday 22nd July – Start of Term 3.
  • Saturday 10th August – Quiz Night.


Ag Day – Friday 25 October 2024

Update # 2

If you are interested in entering a lamb, kid goat or calf  for Ag Day this year, you may procure your animals born from Monday 1st July until 15th September!!

The school holidays provide an excellent opportunity for the children to bond with their animals – spending time feeding, loving and caring for their new friend!!

Children raising a pet lamb, calf or kid goat to present in various categories is at the heart of Ag Day and ribbons are distributed at the conclusion of judging for each category.

I have just updated the website with information on caring for a lamb, goat, chicken. If you have any questions, need help getting started or procuring a lamb, please email me on

Happy rearing and bonding in the holidays!


email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, 


Wainui Senior Basketball vs Coast Raptors. Loss 8- 22. POD: Hamish Fincham.
Wainui Senior Basketball vs OC Grizzleys. Won 47 -10.


Wainui Yr 7/8 Tomahawks vs Westminster Christian School Sentinals.  Draw 1-1.  PODs: Liam Miners and Tahia Ballhorn.


Our survey closes soon, so this is the last chance for parents to share their experiences and help inform new treatment options. The anonymous online survey takes approximately 10 minutes.