Kia ora Koutou,
Thank you to everyone for helping with the water crisis!! We are fortunate we have enough to keep running the school and the pool for our summer lessons.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are updating all schools frrequently. The latest update was Monday 17th February. There are no confirmed cases in New Zealand currently, therefore the messaging from the Ministry of Health about being alert continues to be important. It is natural that people will think about how to keep themselves safe, should the situation escalate.
You can support this by encouraging and reinforcing with children/students and families the principles of hygiene and cough etiquette (regularly wash hands with soap, covering mouth and nose when sneezing and staying home if you are sick). Please visit the website for further information.
Kapa Haka – Began in the senior school with all year 5 – 8’s being involved . We welcome back Whaea Leanne Wade with her expertise in guiding us and getting us each year to performance level. We encourage all senior students to be a part of the kapa haka as it ties in to our Te Reo programme and our commitment to this area of the curriculum. Mr Irvine, myself and Whaea Leanne will be looking at how we can have a junior kapahaka as well and will be meeting to discuss this next week.
Routines – These are being set up in class to ensure all procedures are in place. There is a lot of information on the website to help with knowing what happens when and what is going on. We have already updated a lot of the information for this year.
Class Swimming – All children must wear a cap. I applaud the Kiwi team as everyone has a cap – fantastic!!
Clothes – These need to be named. This year we do not have a lost property box and we will only keep lost unnamed clothes for a short while and then they will be disposed of as it becomes too big to manage.
Before School and After School Routines
- School Start time is 8.55am – Please endeavour to get your child to school before this time. Children do not like being late. If you are late or not coming, please let the office know in an email or text before 9.00 am as this would save the staff a lot of time if they don’t have to call missing children.
- End of the Day – Bell goes at 2.55pm. If you have a change in your after school organisation, please let the office know before 2.00pm. We do understand at times there will be an emergency change of plan and we will always let your child know if something changes.
- We are vigilant in the care and safety of your children and will always follow up any call or unknown absence.
Bus Safety – Tieing into the routines for the year, we thank Auckland Transport for providing the initiative and funding to enable us to practice bus safety and set good routines in this area. Your child, with Julie Crooks from Auckland Transport and Constable Bryan went over expected behaviours for using the bus.
BOT (Board of Trustees Meeting) – We will be communicating the strategic goals for this year, the budget goals and related information, and beginning the policy and procedure review for the year. Board meetings are this term on Monday nights (once a month, see the calander as they are public meetings). Please feel free to attend and listen. Please be aware only the actual trustees have speaking rights.
Finance – The Board of Trustees have approved the budget for 2020. It does include continuation of asking all parents for the contribution donation of $200 per child. A full letter will explain this next week. Please contribute online via Kindo or at the office. Thank you to everyone who already have done this.
Back to School Night – Wednesday 19th February – 5.30pm start – Come and start off the year by meeting your child’s teacher. Come and hear about sports teams and what happens and could happen for 2020. Come and hear about the FOWS group.
5.00 – 6.00pm – Classrooms open to “View and Meet and Greet” (children to introduce their parent / caregiver to the teachers).
5.30pm onwards BBQ – All those without actual classes man BBQ – One sausage free per person – including you!!. Ice blocks and coffee for sale also.
6.00pm – All staff, FOWS and BOT to meet on the top deck to give small introductions to the school.
7.00pm – Finish – Thank you all for coming along
Whole School assembly – Takahe team to lead the first one. We will be introducing our wonderful new certificates to reward children demonstrating our values.
FOWS meeting – Wednesday 26th February – 7.00pm – (Friends of Wainui School). This is Wainui’s version of the PTA. Come and meet, join and be a part of a group that makes a huge difference to the learning at Wainui School, as they make the extra funds to ensure we can balance the budget and achieve our goals. We meet on a Wednesday evening and the meeting will include time to socialise with wine/soft drink and cheese and nibbles so there will be time to make new connections and have some fun.
Senior Swimming Sports – Tuesday 10th March – Waitoki School – This is a wonderful fun, competitive event for everyone to participate in as participation means house points!! More details will come from the teams.
Helensville A & P Show – Saturday 29th February – We have been given 12 child entry tickets to give away so if you would like to attend and have a fun family day, please come to the office to collect. First in first served! There is also a leap year sack race competition you can enter. Please see attached letter with further details on how to enter. Please click here Leap Year Sack Race Competition
A big welcome to all new families to the Wainui Community. We look forward to getting to know you all! The new familes are:
Ruby Rowling (Year 4) and parents and Mahli Farrand (Year 4) and Floyd Farrand (Year 2) and their family from Wellington,
Ka kite ano,
Gillian Bray
- Wednesday 19th February – Meet the Teacher Evening – 5.00 – 7.00pm
- Friday 21st February – Takahe Team Assembly – 9.15am
- Wednesday 26th February – FOWS Meeting in the Staffroom – 7.00pm
- Friday 6th March – Pukeko Assembly – 9,15am
- Monday 9th March – BOT Meeting – 6.30pm
- Tuesday 10th March – Senior Swimming Sports at Waitoki School – From 9.00am – See you all there if you can make it
- Friday 20th March – Kiwi Team Assembly – 9.15am
- Friday 3rd April – Tui Team Assembly – 9.15am
- Thursday 9th April – Last Day of Term 1
- Friday 10th April – Good Friday – Public Holiday
- Tuesday 28th April – First day of Term 2
- Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th May – Year 5 / 6 Camp Carey – Henderson Valley.
Munchbox – Unfortunately this is unavailable at present but we will still be offering sushi on a Thursday. This can be ordered through Kindo.
Garden to Table – This week on Wednesday, the Garden to Table will begin for Tui and Takahe Team. The Garden to Table programme aims to build skills for life through highly practical hands on classes, not only teaching growing and cooking skills but also building awareness of individual and collective responsibility for the environment, healthy eating and community connectedness. It is an opportunity to allow children to get their hands dirty and learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food. As well as learning gardening and kitchen skills, students in Year 5,6, 7 and 8 will experience and learn through the New Zealand Key Competencies which are; Thinking, Managing Self, Relating to Others, Participating and Contributing and Using Language, Symbols, and Texts.
Bee group – Please see the following photos

Upcoming Workshops at Waitotara – Summer Fruit Tree Pruning: Come along to our fruit tree pruning workshop for some orchard-based learning! You’ll learn about the botany of the tree, stages of the tree’s growth, tree shaping and where fruit will produce on each fruit tree type. You’ll also be taught about pest and disease management, so if you want maximum fruit production (and a yummy homemade morning tea!) then this workshop is for you!
Sunday 1st March – 9.00am – 12.00pm Cost $45
Monday 2nd March – 9.00am – 12.00pm Nursery Volunteering (free, register through Kaipatiki Project)
Sunday 8th March – 9.00am – 12.00pm Natives Seed Harvesting (free, register through Kaipatiki Project)
Introduction to Permaculture: Practical workshop based on a permaculture property. Covers the 12 principles of permaculture design in a practical and includes free plants to take home. Sunday 5th April 10am – 4 pm. $90 includes homemade lunch and afternoon tea. |
Waitōtara is open Mondays and the fourth Sunday of each month between 9.00 am and midday (excluding public and school holidays) for FREE advice and teaching.
Contact Robyn on 4211807 or email hello@waitotarasrl.education. You can follow us on facebook/waitotarasrl
Helensville Women & Family Centre – Strengthening Women & Families – Please see enclosed flyer
Ph: +64 9 420 7992 Email: tania@hwfc.co.nz | Web: www.hwfc.co.nz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Helensville-Women-Family-Centre
International Athletes on display at the Trusts Arena – Sunday 23rd February – We are excited to be hosting some of the best athletics event fields ever seen in NZ at the Sir Graeme Douglas International on Sunday, with athletes from Australia, Canada, the UK, Japan and more lining up against our Kiwi competitors. We would love for your school to attend to see the them compete live.
We have six free entries available for your school and additional tickets can be purchased from Ticketek: https://premier.ticketek.co.nz/shows/show.aspx?sh=SIRGRAEM20 (Adults $10, Kids (13-16) $5, Under 12 Free)
If you haven’t already, please let us know by 5pm Thursday 20 February if you would like to claim your free tickets for the event.
There will be a chance to collect autographs from all the international superstars, with free autograph cards available for you to use onsite. This event is part of the World Athletics Continental Tour, a new tier of event that sits just below the Diamond League.
Date: Sunday 23 February
Venue: Douglas Track & Field, the Trusts Arena, 65 Central Park Drive, Henderson
Gates open 4.30pm – Competition begins at 5.30pm
More information available here: http://www.athletics.org.nz/Events/sir-graeme-douglas-international-continental-tour-bronze-category-c-nz-distance-carnival
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Athletics New Zealand Team
Megan Walklin
Event & Marketing Coordinator