Kia Ora to you all

Well done everyone we all made it to Level 2!!  What will you be doing today that you have missed, or over the weekend? Or who are you most looking forward to seeing now you can?

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all and welcoming you back!! I know you are all aware we are in Level 2 which is not back to the “old normal”, we will be in our “new normal”. The key issues are first and foremost.

  1. The “well being “of all of your children.
  2. Health and Safety – hygiene and handwashing procedures.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted the classroom teacher, myself and the office with your questions and your plans. This is helping our planning moving forward.

Please remember to bring any school device you have been using back and any books and support material we may have lent you. If you are bringing a personal device of your own for the first time, also let the teacher know so we can keep it safe.

Procedures for starting school on Monday 18th May in COVID-19 to Level 2.  School will start at 9.00 a.m and finish at 3.00pm. 

The “New Normal

Classrooms and Work Areas – Under Alert Level 2 hand sanitiser will be provided in every classroom. Hand sanitiser stations will be set up at the designated entry and exit points of each classroom and students and staff will use this hand sanitiser as they enter the buildings each time. Students will wash their hands before leaving the classroom or exiting a room, this will be supervised by staff.  Additional disinfectant surface sanitiser / cloths will be available in classrooms for children and teachers to sanitise spaces throughout the school day as required.

Many students have their own stationery, supplies and devices and will be encouraged not to share these.  Lunch and break eating will be supervised in classes and physical distancing adhered to. Tables will then be sprayed and wiped ready for learning by Teacher/ Teacher Aide.

Physical Distancing –  There is no bubble concept at Alert Level 2 so there are no restrictions on groups of students mixing with others on site.  Children, young people and staff should be far enough away from each other so that they are not breathing on or touching each other, coupled with good hygiene practices and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. There does not need to be a specific measurement, but where practicable 1 metre should be used as a guide, particularly between adults.  There will be no contact sports.  Games and outdoor activities will be carefully managed.

In the Playground – The physical distancing rules above apply.  Playtimes will be staggered to start with during Level 2 and this will be reviewed as we go to ensure there is space for everyone.  All the playgrounds and sandspits will be open for use. The bush will be closed for play at this stage.  Students can bring their own scooters and bikes with a helmet but these must all be named.  We have found the bikes at school excellent for play, very popular with the students and easy for keeping the distance.  Drinking fountains will remain turned off.  Students will need a named drink bottle at school. 

At Pick Up and Drop Off –  Under Alert Level 2 parents and caregivers will be discouraged from coming onsite unless absolutely necessary.  Parents are asked to “drop off and pick up” at the front of the school and to kiss and go.  Parents of New Entrants and those in a new class on Monday will be able to designate one parent to come in with them and they must sign in as visitors.  There will be a staff member/s designated at the drop off zone for pick up and drop off.

If you are a brand New Entrant or a Year 1 going to a new class for the first time, one parent may come in and walk you up.  Your name will be taken at the drop off  zone by a staff member.  Please wait for someone to do this.

Drop Off – All teachers will take their students to the designated drop off zone.

Pick UpFamilies with the Oldest Child’s Surname (A-L)  will be picked up from the roundabout. Families with the Oldest Child’s Surnames (M-Z) will be picked up on the little Bush Road (roundabout to be created). This is a trial, so please be patient as it is a bit like the supermarket in Lockdown!!  We will see if this works!!

Bus children will be taken directly to the bus and loaded on by a staff member.  Bus drivers will have their procedures, all buses are sanitised and children will be required to hand sanitise as they enter the bus.  Please be respectful of this as it is the ‘most likely’ chance of Covid-19 entering the school grounds. 

Cleaning and Hygiene –  In Alert Level 2 we will continue to model good hygiene practices – coughing into your elbow, handwashing and drying and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.  The toilet blocks will be sanitised twice a day.  Cleaners will complete daily cleans in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines.  Students and Staff will use hand sanitiser when entering a different space and at regular times during the day. Disinfectant spray is in all classrooms and will be used after food on all tables, or if an area that has been left unmanned for a while, or various other reasons that are in the classroom.

Finally – The staff are all in school Thursday and Friday getting to grips with Level 2 procedures and setting up the learning programmes to continue the term. Please connect at any time with any of us, as we are all here to support you. Please remember everyone in New Zealand is in the same place, no one is left behind in their learning.  Be patient with your child and mindful as some will be anxious at restarting. We are all here to support you as we have been over the lockdown.

It won’t be perfect, but it is a “New Normal”.  Have a great weekend returning to more of what is classed as normal.  I am looking forward to catching up with some friends and visiting my local Matakana Market again!!

See you soon

Nga Mihi Nui