Kia ora Koutou,
Power Cut last Friday – Thank you to everyone who could come earlier to pick up their children. Today we have been reviewing our procedures and will finalise these over the next few days. I can assure you we have purchased enough small water bottles to ensure we have an extra one for everyone if this happens again. We will be looking at this as well as lock down procedures over the next week or so. Meanwhile please ensure your emergency contact numbers for contacts are correct, we have a new method of contacting everyone being set up this week that will need both parents/ caregivers phone numbers. PLEASE ensure the office has your numbers as we will be carrying out a practice drill.
Winter Sports Teams and Preparations – We have 9 Netball teams and 6 Hockey teams, this is pretty amazing for a school our size!! If any other students still haven’t signed up to play please let the sports coordinator Miss Rowlands know, she will help find you a team.
As the number of children wanting to play winter sport after school and at weekends increases so does the need for Coaches and Managers. This year our teacher Miss Alice Rowlands, (who just loves sport herself) has stepped into a management coordinating role as a part of her management responsibilities. Alice also coordinates and has responsibility for in-school sports and PE resources and development. Mr. Irvine also in his role as DP supports Miss Rowlands in this role. Mrs. Halena Howard has also volunteered to help with netball and coaching once again. Thank you to these teachers for all their support and time to do this.
Coaches are needed for a Year 2-3 netball team and one of the Year 4 teams. Currently, Mrs. Howard has two teams and would appreciate another coach for one of the teams as it becomes too much. We also require coaches for the Year 3-4 hockey team and both Year 7/8 hockey teams. Please pass your name to Miss Rowlands if you can step in and be coach or manager. You do not need to be an expert just enthusiastic and keen to help. Thank you.
If you have any questions re winter sport please do not hesitate to contact Miss Rowlands or Mr. Irvine they are only too happy to help. They are currently helping with team selections and entering all teams into competitions. Teams are organised according to our school philosophy whereby we want as many children to play and participate as we are able. This is where we need parents to help. It doesn’t matter if you are not an expert coaching first and foremost just needs a motivated enthusiastic person. The final day for entry into competitions is this Friday. The actual team players have a longer time frame. Fees will then be set and uniforms distributed. All uniforms must have the school logo on. There is no bond for the netball dresses anymore.
All children must have paid fees before the competition starts next term as is the same expectation for all rugby, soccer, tennis, etc. competitions outside the school.
The Board of Trustees are looking at developing a sports coordinator role for someone in the community. If this sounds like a job that interests you please let me know, there would be a monetary payment for a number of hours per week.
I wish everyone a wonderful season, the excitement that occurs when games start is great. It is so much fun as well as building resilience to keep going rain hail or shine!!
William Pike Challenge Award Launch – Tomorrow night, Wednesday the 3rd of April, we were scheduled to have William Pike launch the William Pike Challenge Award for our Year 8 students at Wainui School. The presentation was to be held in the school hall and was open to all parents and children, regardless of the year group they were in.
Tui Team go to Carey Park Camp – Wednesday to Friday all the Tui team and a wonderful large crew of parents are off for three days of adventure, challenge, and fun!! Thank you to all the parents for taking time out of your own work and life to help out, we are so very fortunate with our parents being able to enable camp to happen. Many schools can no longer go to camp at the primary level. I also thank the teachers led by team leader Andrea Goodyer, thank you as this is a couple of nights away from your own family.
Year 7&8 Kaipara Summer Sports Day – This Friday all year 7&8 students will participate with the Kaipara Schools in a day of summer sports. There will be a wide range of sports including T ball, Ultimate Frisbee, etc, there is something for everyone. Students from all schools will meet up at Rautawhiri Park in Helensville and are mixed into teams to have a great day participating in new and old sports. Students are traveling by bus which is covered with funds already raised by the team.
Bike-a-thon!! – Now is the time to get your sponsors to be in the draw to win some of the wonderful prizes. These are all listed in this newsletter and on display in the office.
Thank you to the FOWS for getting this sorted and organised for us. Next Tuesday will be a wonderful day for us all, with food and drinks to purchase and the bike course to complete.
End of Term – Last day is Friday 12th April can you believe it!! We have had a wonderful summer term and have been very thankful, we have a school pool despite its ups and downs!! All pool keys can be returned at the end of term. The pool will not be tested daily after this.
Please also return all readers, library books and collect your own clothes for the holidays. We have all improved in our naming of clothes and ensuring we all have our clothes at the end of the day, thank you everyone for helping with this.
End of Term Clear Up – We are doing an end of term clear up and have free to a good home a large green office desk (from my office).
We have for sale Firewood – very dry needs splitting, approx 3 trailer loads, make a donation.
Ka kite ano,
Gillian Bray
Bike-a-thon – Hi all, only one week until our annual Bike-a-thon. We hope everyone is having fun practicing on their favorite wheels. Hopefully you are also getting sponsors, as we have some great prizes up for grabs this year. A huge thank you to our fabulous sponsors who are noted below:
Check out the full prize list at the office or on the notice board at the hall or on the Wainui School Facebook page. Here are some of the prizes:
A Bike, a Scooter, 12x Twist Scooters , Kelly Sports and Holiday Programme vouchers, Snowplanet Family Day Pass, Woodhill Bike Hire Day Passes, Inflatable Pool Toys, Books and many more.
On the day of the Bike-a-thon your friendly Friends of Wainui School team will be selling the following food:
Sausages in bread $2
Ice creams in a tub $2
Ice pops $1
Juicies $2
Easter themed cupcakes $2
Sparkling oh $2
Water $2
Coffee and hot chocolate drinks $4
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kindo Online School Shopping – coming soon!
We are excited to let you know about our Kindo online school shop, which will be opening soon!
You will be able to pay for all your school needs -like trips and donation and support fundraisers, make full and part payments, and it will be open 24/7!
More information coming shortly – so watch this space.
Hoodies – We are once again taking orders for school hoodies, these are the ones with the name on the back. The cost for this, including the name, is $41.00. Please come to the office to fill out the order form. Orders must be in by the end of the term.
- Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th April – Yr5/6 Camp.
- Friday 5th April – Yr7/8 Kaipara Schools Summer Sports – Rautawhiri Park.
- Tuesday 9th April – Bike-a-thon Day.
- Thursday 11th April – Easter House Day.
- Friday 12th April – Tui Assembly – 9.15am.
- Friday 12th April – Last Day of Term One.
- Monday 29th April – First Day of Term Two.
- Wednesday 1st May – William Pike Challenge Award Launch – 6.30pm – Please note the change of date.
- Friday 10th May – School Photo Day.
For rent: Very tidy two double bed, two bath house and double garage on Waitoki road. Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge with fireplace, and views out to bush covered hills. Option to add grazing and additional shed if required. Six to twelve month contract ok. $450/week. Call Jason on 027 953 6300 to view.
Northern Mystics vs Tactix
Doors Open: 1.30pm
Northern Marvels vs Central Manawa BEKO curtain raiser 2.10pm
Northern Mystics vs Tactix Main Game 4.10pm
Team Ticket Pass: 10 tickets for $110 – great value as this averages at only $11 per ticket
Discount Code for Sunday 7th April – Mystics vs Tactix
Please share this special code with your pupils/families which will give a $5 discount on adult tickets across all our price categories. To take advantage of this discount customers just need enter the CODE into the PASSWORD section (see below) once they have selected the game they wish to attend. This code is active for ALL home games.