Kia ora Koutou,

Summer is definitely here! I hope you’ve been enjoying the stunning weather we are having, your gardens are growing, and you are enjoying those first BBQ’s!

Summer means we all need to wear a sunhat when we are outside. Please ensure you have a hat that you, as a parent, want your child to wear to be “sun smart” according to our sun protections policy:

  • We require students to wear hats which protect the face whenever they are outside and involved in school activities. Students at school without a hat must remain in an allocated shaded area at break times.”

Newsletter Focus

  • Athletics
  • Museum Trip 
  • Athletics InterSchool Year 7 &8
  • Young Farmer
  • Teacher Only Day
  • Kiwi Team Assembly
  • “Principal for the Day”


  • Athletics – Last Friday the years 4-8 participated in the annual school Athletics Day. The stunning day was well organised by Mr Cochrane and fun for everyone. As a result of this day we have put together two teams to attend the InterSchool Events. We now have a Year 7&8 team and a year 5&6 team.
  • Museum Trip – The whole Junior School visited the Auckland Museum as a part of their programme. The children learned a variety of myths and legends.  So many parts of the museum were enjoyed and explored – plus going together on the bus to the city was quite an adventure.


  • Year 7 & 8 InterSchool – Lyla-Rose Muaiava, year 8: 1st in long jump, 1st in sprints, and 2nd in high jump. Jakob Brown 2nd in 800 metres. What an awesome result! Well done to all of our competitors that participated. Tamati Bayer, Harry Browne Hale, Oscar Price, Xavier Davies, Ayla Lodge, Melody Davies, Amelie Graves, Kaylie van Dyk, Ella Brea Wells-Lakeland, Isabella Lehmann, Phoenix Sweetman-Jones, Travis Dunning, Sydney Walton, Blake Inger, Charli Piggott, and Lochie Raikes.  Mr Wotton was very proud of your attitude and your results.
  • Young Farmer – Thursday 16th November – This week our year 1-4′ s will compete in the fun activities that make up this much loved tradition. We have two cups that will be presented at the end of the year one for the year 1&2′ and one for the year 3&4’s. Activities such as stacking the wood, filling buckets etc.
  • Teacher Only Day – Friday 17th November – This day was granted by the government to enable teachers to have time to work together on understanding the revitalised New Zealand curriculum. Whilst some things about this are on hold with a change of government, we will use this time to review our own maths and literacy programmes, to plan for 2024, and to review 2023.


  • Kiwi Team Assembly – Friday, 24th November 2:00pm.
  • “Principal for the Day” – Liam, Mikaela and Sophie Scott will be Principal for the Day!! I can’t wait to have a rest and pass over the reins for the day!!!


Please keep an eye on the calendars as we have lots of events coming up to finish off the year.


Welcome back to Mrs Howard, teacher of one of our year 2 classes. Mrs Howard caught Strep Throat last term and ended up in hospital with serious consequences as this hadn’t been treated properly.

Ka kite ano,

Gillian Bray


  • Tuesday 14th November – Board Meeting – 6:30pm.
  • Thursday 16th November – Young Farmer Yrs 1-4.
  • Friday 17th November – Teacher Only Day (TOD).
  • Thursday 23rd November – InterSchool Athletics Day Yr 5/6.
  • Thursday 23rd November – Athletics Day Years 1-3.
  • Friday 24th of November – Principal for the Day and Kiwi Team Assembly 2pm.
  • Tuesday 19th December – Last day of the term – Finish at 1pm.


Year 1-4 Young Farmer of the Year – This Thursday, the 16th of November, the Year 1 to 4 children will finally get their opportunity to run their Young Farmer of the Year competition. I’ve ordered fantastic weather so please ensure your children come to school sun-screened up and wearing a hat. The competition will begin shortly after 9 am and run through until 11.45. The Year 1 and 2 competitions will be held on the field and the Year 3 and 4 up on the court area. Parents are welcome to come along and watch. Please see the timetable link here Young Farmer of the Year 2023 – Rotation Schedule.

Junior Athletics Day -Year 0-3 – On Thursday 23rd November, week 7 we are holding our annual junior athletics.
The day will start at 9.15am with field events until 1.25pm and Sprint finals from 2pm until the end of the day. Sprint heats will be held Tuesday 21st November at 2pm. Please see the Junior Athletics Day 2023-Parent Information about the day and the timetable.

Thank you, Halena Howard Sports Coordinator.

Year 5/6 Writing Extension Group – From the beginning of Term 4, Mr. Irvine has been working with an extension writing group made up of Year 5 and 6 students. They asked for a shoutout so here goes – William, Vuliana, Charlie, Kassidy, Morgan, Jadon, Arielle, Madison, and Mihai. Mahi pai, team! Below is a piece of writing from Vuliana, which is based on her recent camp experience.

Going faster and faster, I knew the end was near. As I felt the wind brushing through my hair, I gripped on as tight as possible, waiting patiently for the crash.  All I could hear was the air that rushed through my ears and then…SMACK. The impact spread throughout my body. Agitated energy filled my mind with concepts and ideas: putting on my harness when it started, the overwhelming sensation to leave and not even get on the flying fox, the endurance and bravery it took to do it anyway and how proud I felt in the end. The crystal clear, blue sky with dashing white clouds that roamed around like a flock of sheep, silently moving towards their destination with grace and perseverance at the same time. It was a magical experience to be in such a beautiful environment with all my closest friends. I had been waiting all year with the most intense anticipation for my very first camp experience. The reality was even better than I could have imagined. I hope everybody will get to enjoy this firsthand and not just by stories.

A Message from Miss Stevenson:

Dear families,

Our school has chosen to participate in the final issue of the exciting Scholastic Lucky Book Club.  However, we have chosen not send home flyers for this issue.

To order any of these exciting titles, click on the link below – note down the 3 numbers highlighted in black below each title and proceed to place your order via LOOP…  Enjoy shopping with your children from home… and remember the GIFT option is available on issue 8 should you wish to gift a surprise for Christmas.

We are participating with online orders only, so please do not send cash orders to our school.

Please have your orders placed by Wednesday 22nd November.  All orders will be delivered to our school approximately 10 days later.  If you place an order outside of the recommended date, the books will be delivered to your home with a freight fee of $7.50.

For help at any time you may call 0800 266 525 and chat to the friendly customer care team, click on the help button on the Book Club platform or email

Thank you for your wonderful support.


email your sports results to Miss Ludwig in the office, 

Touch Rugby

Wainui Yr 7/8 Touch Team vs Kingsway. Won:  4-1.

Wainui Yr 7/8 Touch Team vs OC. Loss 0-7. POD: Travis Dunning.


Wainui Senior Basketball Team vs Horizon School. Won 29-7. POD: Tamati Bayer.