Current Newsletter

Civil Works – Update #4

2019-09-09T10:40:44+12:00September 9th, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

Monday 9th September 2019 Dear Parents and Caregivers After school the driveway will now change as the workmen have moved to start on the main carpark. Today and until further notice, buses will come up and park by the side of the pool and top of the roundabout. Cars can pick up behind the buses [...]

Measles Update #1

2019-09-06T10:51:12+12:00September 6th, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

Friday 6th September 2019 Dear Parents & Caregivers As all schools throughout NZ are doing, we are ensuring all our records of immunisation are up-to-date. Please ensure if you are unsure over the weekend, that you check with your doctor and let us know by Monday 9th September if your immunisation status has changed. Please [...]

Civil Works – Update #3

2019-08-28T13:47:08+12:00August 28th, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

28th August, 2019 Dear Parents and Caregivers Firstly I want to thank you for your patience and adaptability over the work happening in the carparks and driveaway. The good news is that everything is going to plan so far and is on track for completion on 22nd September. The main issue to address is that [...]

Rippa Yr5/6 Postponed & Chocolate Fundraiser Due In

2019-08-21T15:54:52+12:00August 21st, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

Wednesday 21st August 2019   Dear Parents and Caregivers Rippa Tournament Year 5/6 - The council have informed the organisers of Rippa that they will have to postpone tomorrow's Silverdale RFC Rippa Tournament due to the bad weather expected and not wanting to damage their fields. The tournament will be postponed to the SAVE DAY [...]

Whittaker’s Chocolate Fundraising Due In

2019-08-19T16:34:19+12:00August 19th, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

Monday 19th August 2019 The Whittakers Chocolate Fundraiser is coming to an end and your Chocolates sold or unsold are now due. Can you please return all funds/unsold chocolates to the office in the mornings ASAP. A huge thank you to everyone in getting your chocolates sold. So far the fundraiser has been a HUGE [...]

Carparking Civil Works – Update #2

2019-08-12T13:20:13+12:00August 12th, 2019|Current Newsletter, General|

Monday 12th August 2019 Congratulations everyone for a smooth Monday morning with the changes to the parking and drop off commencing today, Monday 12th August. The top island and roundabout is completely blocked off now and will be for the next 6 weeks. We have created a turn around zone in the school house carpark. [...]

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