Te Kotahitanga Tuatahi
15 children, selected by Mr Irvine and whaea Leanne Wade are participating in a day of workshops organised and run by the Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae. The workshops are designed to buld a sense of whanaungatanga ( relationships through experience) .
Learning Conversations
Students, parents/ caregivers meet with the teacher in a 12 minute time slot to discuss the students change plan and learning for term 1 2018 and beyond.
FOWS Meeting
Wainui School Staffroom , New Zealandminutes Fows meeting 14 March 2018
Whole School Assembly – Takahe team
Value to celebrate Respect
TUI Team Camp- Carey Park
Camp Carey HendersonPlanning is in place for the year 5&6 students annual camp. This year they are going to Camp Carey Park in the Henderson Valley.
TUi Team Camp- Camp Carey Park
Camp Carey HendersonPlanning is in place for the annual year 5 & 6 Camp at this year to be held at Camp Carey in the Henderson Valley https://www.onebigadventure.org.nz/carey-park.html
Japanese Students from Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan visit
Annually our school hosts a group of students from a Japanese Junior High School "Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan ". This year we are hosting 20 students,we ask families if they would like to host the students. There is a generous payment for doing so that will cover their food and a few small outings e.g fish and chips [...]
Winter Sports Prize-Giving Assembly
School hallA special celebration assembly to present certificates and/prizes to all the teams and participants in winter sport this year. We have; Basketball- six teams, a year 7&8 and a year 6 team Netball - eight teams, starting with the year 2 teams Hockey - seven teams, starting with year 3&4 girls Wainui School Cross country [...]