Friday 13th August 2021

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Amendment to Cross Country Timetable

Due to a clash of events on the morning of the Cross Country we have changed around the Year 7/8 and Year 5/6 races.
The Year 5/6’s will run first between 9.10am-10.10am before Morning Tea and the Year 7/8’s will run between 10.45am-11.45am.
Please click the link for the amended timetable with the new times. Wainui School Cross Country 2021.docx (1) (1)


Below is the confirmed menu for our Cross Country day lunch. Children can place an order for their food in the morning and it will be delivered to their class at lunchtime (excluding hot drinks – these must be purchased from the coffee cart directly). The soups can only be preordered. If you would like one of the delicious soup options available, please email by Monday, the 16th of August. Food and hot drinks will be available to purchase from the stand on the hall deck between 10 am and 1 pm. Thank you for your support.


Cross Country Menu

Sausage and bread – $2
Vegetarian sausage and bread – $2
Juicies – $2
Home baking – $2
Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows – $4
Coffee – $4
Moroccan cauliflower soup served with a ciabatta bun – $6
Creamy Kumara, coconut and curry soup served with a ciabatta bun – $6


Thank you

Halena Howard
TIC Sport