An important part of the Board’s governance responsibilities involves setting policies that describe how we expect the school to be run, in order to produce the best outcomes for our students and to fulfil our legal requirements. The application of these policies in the day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the Principal, in accordance with the procedures specified in each policy.
SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to fit our school; including school specific information such as our Strategic Plan, procedures for behaviour management and reporting to parents.
Our policies are monitored by SchoolDocs and updated, modified, or created in response to changes in legislation, significant events, Ministry guidelines, reviews /requests from schools, with regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in this review.
To access Wainui School’s policies and procedures, please go to
Search for: Wainui School
User Name: wainui
Password: wai123
In 2022, all schools will review the Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy section throughout the year. In term one, the focus is on the Health and Safety Management and Emergency, Disaster, and Crisis Management sections.
Reviews are open to board, staff, and parents/caregivers/whānau.
- Key review topics contain important information and/or school-specific content.
- Optional review topics contain helpful supporting information but little or no school-specific content.
To start reviewing, click on topic name below, then click the red UNDER REVIEW flag (top right hand corner of the page). Here you will be able to enter any comments/suggestions you have to amend the policy.
- Medicines
- Managing Minor/Moderate Injury
- Managing Serious Injury and Illness
- Infectious Diseases
- Reporting and Recording Accidents and Incidents
- Bullying and Online Bullying
- Surrender and Retention of Property and Searches