Year 7 EOTC Event Term 3 – Mountain Biking Woodhill forest
Term 3's challenge in outdoor education.
Kiwi team Trip to Cue Haven, Kowhai and Nikau classes
The kiwi team as a part of their Inquiry and Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) will return to visit Cue Haven
Kiwi team Trip to Cue Haven, Pukatea and Kohekohe classes
As a part of their EOTC and Inquiry theme, these classes will be visiting Cue Haven. Details to come.
Young Farmer
POSTPONED until fine weather is here- the activities need a drier field to be safe This Friday is the Annual Young Farmer competition. There are even Cups to be won The rotation and events can be found on the link below: Young Farmer rotation (Friday )
ASSEMBLY Whole School Takahe team focus
Value of Focus RESPECT
Working Bee Sunday 20 October
Wainui School 492 Waitoki Road, Wainui, Auckland, New ZealandCome and join us On Sunday at a working Bee to tidy up the grounds, celebrate spring and prepare for AG day !! Bring your own wheelbarrow and any tools that may help!! Morning tea provided by our wonderful FOWs team!!
Ag Day
Wainui SchoolWainui School's Ag Day this year is on Friday 25 October 2019. Since the early 1950s, Ag Day, or more commonly known then as Calf Club Day, has been held annually at Wainui School. This day has various activities, both indoor and outdoor. Children raise a pet lamb or kid goat or a chicken to [...]
Camp Motutapu
Year 7&8 students - Takahe team with Mr. Irvine, Mrs. Stevenson, and Mrs. Taylor