Position Name
Presiding Member Mrs Pip Catchpole
Community Mrs Annaliese Hewitt
Principal Mrs Gillian Bray
Staff Representative Mrs Sandy Blackburn   
Finance Mr Chad Mexted
Property Mr Joseph Long
Community Projects/ Deputy Presiding Member Mr Chris Scott
Board Secretary – Email: botsecretary@wainui.school.nz Miss Mel Ludwig


The governance of the school is entrusted to the Board. The Board are elected every three years and provide the link between the school and the Ministry of Education. Five members are elected representatives of the parents and one member is the elected representative of the staff. The Principal is automatically a member of the Board.

The current Wainui School Board has determined its own unique governance/management approach based on delegated levels of responsibility for the following functions: administration, curriculum, finance, property, personnel and student support. The continuum below clearly shows our concept of governance. The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Principal.

Policy and Procedures underpin all that the Board do. All our policies are on a website School Docs.

To access these please go to www.schooldocs.co.nz
Search for: Wainui School
User Name: wainui
Password: wai123

Documents Approved by the Board

1. Annual Accounts 2017

2. Annual Accounts 2018

3. Annual Accounts 2019

4. Annual Accounts 2020

5. Annual Accounts 2021

6. Annual Accounts 2022



Dates for the meetings are 20th February, 19th March, 7th May, 4th June, 2nd July, 6th August, 10th September, 22nd October, 19th November 2024.

Process of attending a Board meeting: A board meeting is deemed a public meeting therefore anyone can attend. If you wish to attend and speak however permission must be obtained by  through the Board secretary this can then be an agenda item at our meeting. This enables your voice to be heard and your point of discussion/ concerns can be clearly communicated and spoken to with the Board members and yourself. The agenda is finalised and sent to all members of the Board on the Friday prior to the meeting. Therefore the request to attend a meeting must be in accordance with these timeframes.

Board Minutes 2024: 

1. 20 February 2024 Board Minutes

Board Minutes 2023:  

1. 7 March 2023 Board Minutes
2. 28 March 2023 Board Minutes
3. 16 May 2023 Board Minutes
4. 6 June 2023 Board Minutes
5. 25 July 2023 Board Minutes
6. 22 August 2023 Board Minutes
7. 14 November 2023 Board Minutes
8. 5 December 2023 Board Minutes

Board Minutes 2022:

1. 22 February 2022 Board Minutes
2. 15 March 2022 Board Minutes
3. 5 April 2022 Board Minutes
4. 17 May 2022 Board Minutes
5. 14 June 2022 Board Minutes
6. 2 August 2022 Board Minutes
7. 23 August 2022 Board Minutes
8. 27 September 2022 Board Minutes
9. 1 November 2022 Board Minutes
10. 29 November 2022 Board Minutes

Board Minutes 2021:   

1. 23 February 2021 BOT Minutes
2. 23 March 2021 BOT Minutes
3. 13 April 2021 BOT Minutes
4. 18 May 2021 BOT Minutes
5. 15 June 2021 BOT Minutes
6. 10 August 2021 BOT Minutes
7. 31 August 2021 BOT Minutes
8. 28 September 2021 BOT Minutes
9. 26 October 2021 BOT Minutes
10. 23 November 2021 BOT Minutes

Board Minutes 2020:

1. 17 February 2020 BOT Minutes
2. 17 March 2020 BOT Minutes
3. 24 April 2020 BOT Minutes
4. 12 May 2020 BOT Minutes
5. 16 June 2020 BOT Minutes
6. 4 August 2020 BOT Minutes
7. 1 September 2020 BOT Minutes
8. 20 October 2020 BOT Minutes
9. 17 November 2020 BOT Minutes
10. 8 December 2020 BOT Minutes

Board Minutes 2019:

1. 27 February 2019 BOT Minutes
2. 27 March 2019 BOT Minutes
3. 8 May 2019 BOT Minutes
4. 6 June 2019 BOT Minutes
5. 26 June 2019 BOT Minutes
6. 7 August 2019 BOT Minutes
7. 18 September 2019 BOT Minutes
8. 23 October 2019 BOT Minutes
9. 13 November 2019 BOT Minutes
10. 11 December 2019 BOT Minutes